queimmi said:
Hey CutiePie! Congratulations!
You are also doing it through Quebec like me, so I would like to see how it goes for you after this milestone! Hopefully everything goes fast with Quebec and the CSQ!
annoying we have to go through QC, but we'll send the papers on monday, i hope it won't take too much. there are not too many stuff to send. confirmation of payment, the undertaking application for the sponsor
(you need to send 2 copies of the undertaking application! also, it necessarily needs to be in french!), the demand for CSQ (by me) .. uh, a paystub/bill from my husband to prove residency, his canadian birth certificate (or smth else depending on the individual), a coloured copy of my passport.. um, that's pretty much it! ;D
in order to avoid the possible delay (you as the principal applicant having to send the sponsor your form for CSQ, dated and signed.. i didn't want my husband to write the date on it since our handwritings are very different and i`m paranoid :-X), i sent my husband like 6 completed forms, with signatures and different dates - one with 4 july, 6 july, 8 july. 10 july, 12 and 14.. i know it seems unnecessary but my husband has my forms now and can send them right away
thanks everyone again!!!!

i think everyone should start calling CIC and making them work faster!