I have just read the instructions OP 6 — Federal Skilled Workers
There following steps for applications received between February 2008 and June 26, 2010:
1. Check forms for blanks
2. Withdraw money.
3. Create a file with number in CIC databse
<i>Note: The R10 completeness check for FSW applications occurs at the CIO. Files are created for
applications that are complete. If the application is referred to a visa office, the electronic file is
transferred to the visa office. The applicant must submit the complete application with supporting
documents to the visa office.</i>
4. Assessing applications against the Ministerial Instructions (if our duties are valid to 38 list)
4a. If YES ->
CIO will record notes in CAIPS, transfer the electronic file to the visa office and notify them by email. The CIO will also:
- notify the applicant that their application is being referred to a visa office for a final determination of elgibility for processing;
- require the applicant to submit a copy of their complete application and other forms, together with all supporting documents to the visa office within 120 days;
- inform the applicant on how to contact the visa office
4b. if NO ->
- record outcome and reasons in CAIPS;
- send a letter to inform the client (see Appendix D for sample letter);
- initiate a refund.
So, analyzing this info, we need to know whether file was created for our application or not.
If money were charged, file with DEFINITE number will be created. (unless they stuck with HR resource on this stage)
Therefore, May applicants, who will call CIC, ask for your file number by your FIRST, LAST name and DATE of birth.
I think they could stuck on:
1) stage4. process our application on YES, NO. (if so, we will have to wait more time (10w, as people write))
2) just make pause onsending us a YES letter, but local VO already has our electronic files with YES answer. (if so, may be soon in 2w we all receive such emails)
Thanks. I wish you all hapiness