For issuing authorities in Belize, Colombia, Co
sta Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama, see table at the end of this appendix.
Provide photocopies of the following document confirming the relationship between you and each of
your family members:
•Birth certificates and/or
baptismal certificates.
•Marriage certificates, if applicable. (If you were married in Chile, submit a copy of
computer printed marriage certificate issued by the civil registry).
•Divorce certificates. If you are now divorced, copy of final divorce certificates; if separated, a separation certificate.
• Death certificates if your or your sponsor' s former spouse or common-law partner are deceased.
• Marriage annulment certificate, if your marriage was annulled.
•Citizenship Certificate, Permanent Resident Card or Immigrant Visa for any family members who
are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
•Evidence of common-law relationship, if you and your sponsor have been in a common-law relationship.
Foreigners residing in Brazil must also include a copy of their Registro nacional para estrangeiros