Hello Forum:
If we only knew the about the fork in the road.. we would have taken more caution, right? I feel it for Erin who got taken by the Cuban. Is it our problem? You better believe it. As you work through this trying immigration process spend some time thinking about some of the sacrifices you now make. Are you trying to impress this man or woman we have fallen "down" in love with? If you knew it would not be happily ever after would you buy three phone cards for the month? Would you send your rent money? Take that trip you cant affort? borrow your childs tuition? send that barrel? stayed up pass you bed time to keep him/her company? dropped all your "badmind" friends? etc. The fork in the road is a bitch aint it? There is an Erin in all of us. Some of us will go on and feel blessed to have met such a wonderful person while others will have made a terrible mistake that will take emotional, financial toil. Use good Judgement when it is possible.
If someone lives in a "poor" condition they are accustomed to that already and are survivors in that regard. We may want to introduce them to the "good" life right away but hold on to you horses and credit cards and let this individual proof he/she is worth the debt you are about to incur. Save money for when they arrive to inprove the quality of "both" your lives. Why should you go without to make his life better? What has he/she done for you.. besides giving you earth shaking sex, sweet words, promises? I am the bring you back to earth angel that no one cares to hear. Sarcasm coming like rain, I expect, but from one woman to another, sister to a brother, people love hard, think smart. Dont find yourselves with a broken heart, wounded Pus**/dic*, empty purse, endless debt. Listen to these words or mock them.. it is up to you. The worst thing to say is "If me did know, me woulda, shoulda, coulda for then its too late. Longe distance love is so sweet, everybody jus on their best behaviour. Put up with any amount of bullying, biding the time to make you pay... Then there is bliss, true love that last for ever despite the struggles. Which category fits your story? Peace, love, and common sense to you all