Hi March folks
my timeline is
app rcvd 6th march 2014
AOR 25 march2014
finger prints requested 15th may 2014
medical requested 16th sep 2014
medical rcvd 6th oct 2014
After that nothing heard from them
GCMS notes are as follows
Note 5 updated on 24th june 2014 says
"Analyst/Officer reviewing file. Correspondence was provided for this application prior to file assignment. The correspondance entry records have been administratively changed from provided to recieved.Please review all documents in edocs or incoming correspondence as usual "
Note 4 updated on 19/08/2014 says
new address created
Note 3 updated on 15/09/2014 as
CEC I have analysed this application based upon the documents submitted by the applicant and the information contained in the file and make the following recommendations *** General Results:Medicals required for all applicants.All applicants currently hold valid status in canada ..Work Experience:CEC qualifying period is from 06 march 2011 to 05 march 2014 Dates of authorized work experience - within qualifying period- in skill level 0,A or B occupation. Post secondary studies in canada:College- Technical According to schedule 8: Work experince 1 05/11/2012 to 5/03/2014, NOC ----selected, full time telecomm technician with xyz company. Employment letter dated 19/02/2014 confirms dates of employment ,position, title and salary of At4 from 2012 shows reported earning of $6590 and t4 from 2013 shows reported earning of $30,259.90. There appears to be insufficient evidence to confirm work experince in stated NOC .Web based search conducted - Online information verified: Language:IELTS - Applicant meets benchmarks for work work experience at this level :B.CRIMINALITY : PA: RCMP screening : fingerprints requested, police certificates:no reportable trace-police reports /court records

n file.All required PCs recieved and there seems to be no A36 concerns evident. MEDICALS:medical required for all applicants requested documents. RECOMMENDATIONS: RECOMMEND REVIEW BY AN OFFICER.
Note 2 updated on 16/09/214
Medical Generated
Note 1 updated on 06/10/214
E-med copy of med received
A bit confused with note 3 whether requirements are met or not. So what should be the next step????
Can anyone help me with some suggestions???