KJG, 108 is way too long, and it's only for the fist step

I feel for you. Hang in there, I really hope you get it soon.
FS, I think they sort of tried to make things faster by introducing the supervisa, but looking at the timelines since November onwards, it's clear that processing time starts creeping up since then. I can't of course say that this is what caused it, but I'm just saying it seems even when they have the best of intentions, things go wrong.
They even returned all skilled worker apps before 2008 if I am not mistaken, but still the processing time is creeping up

I was looking at the older spreadsheets and there are quite a few people whose cases concluded within 3-5 months. 100 days was their *total* processing time- step1 and 2 together! Now that is depressing.