Surelyaddy34 said:Thank you mates for wishes. hopefully next step would be medicals request
Surelyaddy34 said:Thank you mates for wishes. hopefully next step would be medicals request
I applied as NOC 1112. Even though I'd prefer to pay online and print and send the receipt, I think I'm going to go the safer route and send a bank draft. I have however e-mailed the London office asking about method of payment. If they get back to me, I will post and let you know.JohnnyZee said:Thanks Sally. are you NOC 2174 or 1112?
I know there has been a lot of talk about how to pay RPRF for London VO. Yes, DD is a safe option but I think we can still pay online. I went through the link below and it took me to the last page until I pressed "pay now". Personally, I will be paying online and just printing/pdf-ing the receipt and emailing it to LVO. And if it is an issue, I am sure they will let me know. Anyway, thanks for the congrats that came over the weekend. Let's hope LVO can clear some backlog before the easter break...
skhzskhz said:I undertook my medical on Saturday. The results were uploaded last night. Based on my email sent this morning to LVO with regards to status update on receiving my medicals . I received the below response 15 minutes ago. But there is no update on ECAS system yet.
Thank you for your email.
We have your medical results in our system.
Yours sincerely,
Very fast reply. ECAS will be updated soon.
Did you send by CSE or just an email (what id?)
LVO processed 2014 PERaddy34 said:Thank you mates for wishes. hopefully next step would be medicals request
lostworld said:Hi All May month Applicant,
Is any update on your application?
Please update any movement, we are moving towards 12 month since we filed our PR.
Any updates like email or CES response please share with us.
We deserve some movement after long period of time.
Amisiddi (Husband)
Prince DXB
No update yet.lostworld said:??? Is any update on May month applications? ???
After they received medicals normally they take 1-2 days to review the reports.skhzskhz said:I undertook my medical on Saturday. The results were uploaded last night. Based on my email sent this morning to LVO with regards to status update on receiving my medicals . I received the below response 15 minutes ago. But there is no update on ECAS system yet.
Thank you for your email.
We have your medical results in our system.
Yours sincerely,
No updates as of now for May applicantslostworld said:??? Is any update on May month applications? ???
I hope after completing all interview candidates, All May appl. file will be processed for MR. Now our files are below the interviewed candidates file.lostworld said:??? Is any update on May month applications? ???
It was a happy surprise for me too when i opened my ecas and i couldnt sleep last nightgoalcanada said:LVO processed 2014 PER, its great. Congrats friend, You are on fast Track.
wow so dear it means i ll not get invitation for interview or there r still chances?ILoveAB said:Surely
I dont know if there will be a call for interview but it all depends on the submission documents. If they are able to verify all documents and are happy with the reference then i dont see the need for interview. Anyway enjoy this moment and leave the rest to them as you have no influence on it. Have a successful processing ahead my friendaddy34 said:wow so dear it means i ll not get invitation for interview or there r still chances?
Thank you for wishes
skhzskhz said:I undertook my medical on Saturday. The results were uploaded last night. Based on my email sent this morning to LVO with regards to status update on receiving my medicals . I received the below response 15 minutes ago. But there is no update on ECAS system yet.
Thank you for your email.
We have your medical results in our system.
Yours sincerely,
Stay Blessed