a reply to the latest news about wages theft:::
I read this story.. Its happened to me to last 2008-2009 the family I worked before with was awing me alot of wages..i don't have any day off at all worked from 6AM until 12midnight, I have nobody here in canada and they live in the middle of nowhere. no friends to count on, even my agency is not helpful at all I told them the first place that Im not getting what i supposed to get paid but never heared from them, I did try email one of the organization to let them know my situation, but never get any help at all so I just let be because on my head I want my status be done faster and quicker to get out of that family, working there is like a hell, they always fought each other. until the time came that Im overwhelmed already, their chucrh had some kinda event somewhere in Peterborough, went to their church too cuase they said so, go with them wherever they go, but that day I didn't go with instead I went to my friends car to go towards peterborough. and there she attack me verbally I feel like I was being Humiliated infront of other girl. And I decided not to go back to their house Saturday-SUnday as I know she will attack me verbally and beside that was allegedly my day-off, and I phoned them to let them know im not coming. I was at 100% stress on that moment and can't even sleep properly to think if I should go back or what to do.. I go back and give my noticed to them that Im quitting but they said they already fired me..I cannot be able to took all my belongings with me to the point that I called the police so that I can be able to get in and get my belongings...Its a nightmare experienced...And My fiancee wanted me to sue them, we went to talked to a parallegal person and get some advice what to do..and parallegal said i might win but it will cost me alot to fight for it..so until i leave it that way..i didn't continue the case because of emotions, scaredness and i feel like im having a phobia hearing her voice.. And it shame to know that they are same Filipino people as me although the diffirence there been here long time ago before me..I feel shame because we are from same countrymen.Its sad!!!

until now I can't get over it, still thinking about it!!!so sad