Hi cocknbull, thanks a lot for your reply. I wish I could keep giving you pluses
My due dates for these medicals and admissibilities are March 21 2013, but eligibility has not yet been started as of December 21 2012, so I'm not really counting too much on it (though there have been a lot of movements among other applicants with similar timeline as me), but I hope that I can at least hear something by then...
I think the 68 points were probably assigned by Sydney, though obviously it's not the final decision yet
There hasn't been any notes from visa officer yet, though there are in total about 7 notes, detailing my correspondence with them (I had to rectify some forms because I forgot to attach my brothers' information). Note 6, I believe, was the note from the CIO, which stated that 'the applicant appeared to have more than 67 points', but 'work experience letters not verified yet'
I checked under application 1, and it goes as following,
Field Name: Secondary Office
Action: Added
Old Value:
New Value: Centralized Intake Office
Updated Date: 2012/05/23
Updated By: AH00565
Office: CPP Ottawa
which probably implies eligibility probably hasn't been started yet. These GCMS notes were two months old, however (ordered at late December 2012), and within these two months, there has been a lot of things going on to applicants within similar timeline as mine, so hopefully I'll see some movement when I will get my new CAIPS next week (ordered at Jan 30).
Ya, I'm applying under PhD stream, and currently living in Canada, so I think it's fine then to apply under Privacy Act
cocknbull, if you don't mind, can I PM you so we can talk more about this? Thanks a lot for your help, and I really appreciate it