Charlie... i met my hubby online too... it turned out we know a lot of the same people and had seen each other in passing... he tried to convince me to go to his cousin's party rather than a the one i was planning on going to that easter, and the rest is history

gotta love the net!
aba.... glad it's a better day for you!

jahBee... welcome
to everyone that's asking about what makes a file go faster, i think it's important not to compare the timelines, it'll drive you crazy (i can imagine, easier said than done)... doing things like paying RPRF up front and sending originals will give them less reasons to delay you, but it's not necessarily the answer to the fast track... there are lots of factors to consider and who knows what makes kgn tick? they operate outside the rules sometimes so the general guidelines are just that and are far from gospel... try to keep things in perspective, however long the file takes, once the it's done, it's done and the result is the possibility to be with the one you love until the end of your days!!!! .. so if it takes 4 months or if it takes 24 months, the end result is worth it, right? i know... easy to say, so much harder to live

but hang in there... your day will come!!!!!
as for kingston, we know they're off today, but they don't get the rest of the week off too, do they? i was amazed to find out that whenever there was a mid-week holiday the kids got the rest of the week off school too... what sort of deal is that? lol... slackness i say!
hopefully kgn will be well rested and have their dialing fingers ready tomorrow morning bright and early!!!! i remember when we got the call it was like 8:30 am, enough time for us to hop in the car and head over (and get japanese by soverign on the way

), so they do like to start pretty early!