Hi important things to know for the interview as per a friend that had an interview last week. (THEY ARE VERY BIG ON DATES.) They also are not giving everyone visa on the spot you may also be told that they will call you when there decision is made. So don't feel disappointed if they hand your spouse their passport back at the end of the interview. sometimes its just a test to see your spouses reaction. That was what happened to my friends wife on the day of her interview. They emailed her yesterday requesting PPV. THE IMMIGRATION OFFICER WAS ALSO NOT THE MOST FRIENDLY. We all will get through this and it will all become a memory.


Where your spouse works
How much money your spouse makes
what is your spouses job description
How long has your spouse been working there
When your spouse proposed
when you got married
what type of ceremony
what your spouse is planning to do for a living once they arrive in canada.
What are the dates that your spouse visited Jamaica.