HEYY JAMFAMMM!?!? Hope everyone is good/great!!!
Here is our landing story!!
I went down to pick hubby up so i got to travel with him! It was a life changing experience, i kept telling him to pinch me because i was in disbelief. I still am in disbelief that hes here. I woke up in the middle of the night to see if it was forreal. Anyhow...we left jamaica around 3pm. We went thru customs, got some rum from duty free and then went to the gate, hubby smiling the whole way thru. When we got on the plane, thats when the adventure started. I got hubby a window seat with extra leg room bcuz hes tall. He couldnt believe he was on the "iron bird" (as he calls planes) ahahha . The whole flight he practically looked thru the window and was paranoid abt the plane wing looking like it was going to break ahhahaha. He watched movies, ate snacks and tried to relax. He let me lay on him practically the whole flight! When we approached Toronto, first thing he saw was the CN Tower lol he landmarked it! When we touched down in Toronto he was like thank God lol we stopped for Timmies as he loves there donuts and muffins ahhaha fattycoo then we headed home. When we got home my friend put in red light bulbs hahah i wonder why ahhaha. Me and hubby was soo tired thoo we ended up jus curling up in one another arms and falling asleep! Wi ah save sum fi lata hahahahha
Honestly, i cant believe hes here... It feels so surreal. After 7yrs of relationship, 2yrs of marriage, 13 and a half months of this immigration process. We are finally together. Its the best feeling in the world!

To everyone still waiting... I knw it may b hard to wait and be patient, almost unbareable but its worth it!
Sorry mrs. Mac late post. We landed march 20!?!?