good news! I was happy to get an invite for the interview too. It is so frustrating waiting and not knowing anything, now at least you can plan.
I would not bother with asking about the police clearance, just so as they asked and bring everything with you.
We were requested to bring more proof of communication
Below is what was requested:
Your valid passport and all previous passports held by you
Updated Generic Application Form (IMM 008)
Updated Schedule A Background / Declaration (IMM 5669)
o IMPORTANT: Questions 8 and 12 of your Schedule A MUST indicate all activities
and addresses SINCE AGE 18, i.e. FROM JANUARY 1988 TO PRESENT – DO
NOT provide only for the past ten years. DO NOT LEAVE ANY GAPS
Updated Additional Family Information Form (IMM 5406)
Updated Police Clearance Certificate from your current country of residence.
Your original FBI police certificate
Proof of communication: telephone records, Facebook messages, Magic Jack call records, Skype
chat/call records, emails, etc – note that phone cards are not accepted.
We have everything covered: facetime photos, 150 pages from facebook chat going back to November 2014 plus about another 100 pics of us together, with my family, daughter, etc.
Next week on the 29th at 8am is the big day.

excited and nervous all at the same time.