Does anyone know what days KGN enquiry window is open if at all?
I read it was closed on another forum and that they turn back people telling them to write in. has anyone experienced this?
I was planning to stop by tomorrow, as I'm going near by tomorrow
so just to be sure, I called, Got a lovely lady (Not lovely at all ) I'm assuming its the receptionist, asked her whats the timeslot for the enquiry window on Wednesdays, she nearly bite off mi ears
"Mam I cannot answer Immigration queries in a Horrible fed up tone. fax your Enquiry"
You would have thought a receptionist would have been equiped with basic info like this. I wonder what she does there if she cant outline operational timelines to the General Public.
So of course I told her " Mam I'm sure you were not trained to speak to paying customers, in this tone and manner, and further more you guys dont reply to emails unless they are generic , so why how do I know that my fax will not return the same results?".
She said
"Mam I did not tell you to Email, I said Fax if you must know, (almost shouting) (cheeky bugger) now Mam, I know that the immigration department ask clients to send a fax to enquire about their Case, faxes arrive on a desk in the mail room, emails are picked up as and when, you will have to decide if you want to do that and wait for a reply thats all I can say".
Phone dead, the woman hang up on me

Is this an embassy or Comedy?
What a bulla Lol
I'm not even gonna get mad today, she lucky but its disgraceful if this is how they allow her to talk to people.