hey all...
sherig that audit was just sad... it seems the only thing kgn is doing quickly is the temporary work permits.. and from what i've heard there's plenty of greasing of the palms there, so we know what talks in kgn (if we didn't already)... it's pretty obvious that incompetence has reigned a little too long there... hopefully they are going to have some accountability SOON!
interesting chat with the minister... it seems that at the federal level they are too busy defending immigration to actually do anything about it.. and yes, economic-ly sound immigration would likely be the best way to do it so there we are back to letting families suffer... (although the point about the temp workers being processed so quickly while skilled are dragged thru hell and back is a great one... they aren't even getting their own ducks in order... ah well... )
so my son turned one last week... little big man is all into everything, climbing stairs, into cupboards, dishwashers, (not walking yet tho)... so much trouble all bundled up into one adorable package... and i'm in my 3rd week back at work... starting to get back into the swing of things... they paid out a bonus while i was gone, so i get it next week on my pay... wheeeeeeeeeeee! most of it will go to visa i'm sure, but maybe i'll sneak something for myself... trying to decide who will get that bit.. coach, or sony... or ????? lol... money just can't stay in my hands for long... luckily i have a good financial advisor and good investments or i'd be screwed!
mylilangel... not sure who is left with a ARC... confusedandscared is one, but he's going thru POS, not KGN, he just likes to come over and hang out with us

... missing who posted right before me is one too, you can see she's been drawn out for 2 years now... sassy was one too... i think her timeline was 16ish months... homesoon had one too...went pretty quick, 9m i think... so it really is all over the place... if you read back you'll see a spreadsheet with our timelines and a few notes on it... also check into trackitt on which just about everyone here has shared a detailed timeline for...
welcome to jamaicanincanada and other new posters too...
Jammy... must feel great to know that you're in the final stretch... lets hope its a short one!!
sherig and missing, one of ya'll got to bust soon... the next update needs to be from one of you two since we need to get 2007/2008 OFF the spreadsheet to make room for the 2010 and soon 2011'ers... 2009'ers got to get on moving too!!!!
hope all is well... hopefully we'll get an update tomorrow... or more than one!
take care all