Good morning forum family! This night hawk is at it again, being the first to post on here today. I am trying to catch up on my reading on here. Congratulations to CdnandTrini!! some very good news, although we don't know each other, I can feel your happiness!
To the others, thanks for the anniversary wishes, I miss Maddants but the daily chats fill in the gaps and doesn't make things feel so lonely.
I have had enough of being apart, and hearing of no news. I am flying out to Jamaica in 2 1/2 weeks to spend time with Hubby. I will be staying for 3 weeks.

my long deserved vacation is planned!!!
Chickie, I didn't make it to Six Nations this time. I was going to go but I didn't have arrangements for someone to take my son to his hockey game. That is why I didn't try to contact you. No one was available for that day. But I got arrangements when I go to be with Hubby, am glad for that and it will be one less worry for my family here.
Frustrating as life can be sometimes, hope and faith keep us motivated. Well wishes to everyone!