JamaicanSnowflake said:
Hey Ladies,
I'm been reading some of your post and your timelines don't look very hopeful, has it really been taking more then a year for more then 80% of you? I will Marry in November and was hopin to have him with me by summer I am amazed and energizing by all your strengh you all have and hope that i will be able to stay as positive as all of you.
I wish and pray for all of you to have your Husbands soon.
Is there anyone else from Quebec?
Hi Jamaican snow flake, there are gentlemen here as well

I don't know if there are other sponsors that lives in the province of Quebec, but I do. My hubby is aware of the kind of weather waiting for him in winter times here when we get through that long journey and he finally gets here, he's a little scared but he told me that he has no doubts, we'll keep each other warm LOL!
I started the sponsorship process five months ago thinking that it would take eight months or so, but I found this amazing forum while searching on the net were I could find plenty of useful info, and wonderful nice and supportive people, but I unfortunately also realised that it would probably be a matter of a much longer length of time that what I had expected... If I knew, would get married and start the process way before!
The only difference being a sponsor living in the province of Quebec is that you have don't have one; but two sponsorship application to submit. First one to Ottawa as everyone else, then, when the sponsor's approval letter is received, you need to submit a second application with a photocopy of your letter sent by CIC to the MICC along with the requested forms and documents. The provincial sponsorship works in two parts like the federal one; first part for the sponsor; second part for the sponsored person (Quebec selection certificate). The only difference is that it is much quicker with the Quebec MICC (Ministry of immigration and cultural communities) application; which make sense since Quebec is responsible of the selection of workers wishing to settle on its territory and Canada immigration is responsible for health, security and to verify if the relationship is genuine and not a marriage of convenience... Therefore, it takes forever!!!!
Hope this helps, should you have any other questions, please let me know.
Good night everyone