He that wait upon the Lord shall renew his/ strength; shall mount up with wings like eagle..
The race is not for the swift but for those who can endure!
know that Jah is the giver of all good things; you are next in line for his blessing
If we had the ability to see what is ahead we would not take chances in life which are essentially the vitamin for our soul.. We would not love and be loved! We would not believe. So we dont get to see the future and must WAIT and WAIT some more. The lord/Jah/Allah/Buddah or whomever he is to you sees all things and knows all things. He gives/release/withhold according to his vision, what he knows. When the time arrives for us to get the lesson he throws the door wide open and all enters; good and bad for he understands the moment he wants you soul to celebrate or cry. Some of you here are getting ready to cry...but even as it appears your life is be ripped from you, know 'papa' is waiting to lift you up. some of you will see an end of your sorry and a man is sent to repair your heart and heal the broken parts in your soul. For once in your life you will be the one with good news, no longer having to watch others enjoy the beauty of a loving relationship but you must wait some more. Some of you will find yourselves wishing you were alone again, while others will wonder how did i live without you. So you must wait some more... if only you could see what lies ahead of you, only then would you realize how blessed you are in this moment and gladly WAIT some more.
Neveah.. blessings, wait my friend your greatest lover "jehovah" says I am protecting you, I am preparing you, I am giving you the best gift, teaching you how to wait on me...for the day will come when your eyes will open and you will understand why you had to wait... love
I dedicate these songs to those who are waiting and know that GOD knows best; close and open door according to his plan for us and the lessons he needs to teach us. For those of you who feel angels always have wings then ignore my message, mock and rididicule if you will.
I have to say that this is so inspirational.....I've been away from my hubby for 3 months and counting and long distance is finally hitting hard and honestly i couldnt have read this at a better time.God is good.thank you!