Hello Kingston!!!
I am soooo sorry that I wasn't able to keep you guys updated. Updates from everyone kept me going, but I've been sooooo busy!!
I got a little depressed and bratty when KGN didn't send my husband's passport back when we expected. Our DHL Finally had movement on the afternoon of March 25th. Hubby got his passport on the 26th and he was on the same flight as Keke's husband on March 27th. So he has been here for just over a week.
I was late to pick him up at the airport, but he was a really good sport, he called from the payphone and we chat until I got there. Easter was very busy for us and we used the last couple of days to get SIN, bank accounts and Driver's License. We are relaxing today and tomorrow and then off to work I go on monday
I am very grateful to everyone for kind words and useful information. You all made this process sooo much easier!
And for the strong, graceful people who have been waiting forever - (

@ Chickie) - Do not despair. I can tell you that having your spouse here in Canada with you is one of the greatest feeling ever. And I imagine that the magnitude will match the time that you have been waiting - So you guys will feel happier than I'm feeling right now.
Nev - You are awesome - and it can't be much longer now.
Maddants - Something's got to give soon
Tintin - I know we have been saying it forever, but you are truly close to the end now.
I wish nothing but speedy processing and long lasting, happy marriages for every single person on the Kinston thread.