love it ;D ;D ;D
Good morning everyone
I hope all is well and your families all survived the storm with little or no damage to property (all though those can be replaced and redone) as long as we have life.....
Thoughts and prayers to those in the other Cuba and the bahamas who still have to tangle with Sandy
hoping to here some good news today from someone here on this forum I doubt very much it will be me but as long as someone has something to celebrate today i will be happy ..........
I am thinking of going to jamaica for christmas but right now with the price of tickets and the way my job is going it might be a safer bet to wait untill the new year.... that means yet another aniversary spent without my

husband hopefully it will be the last ..... i am not sure why but i have a felling that things will not come togather till in the new year for us ......... happy thursday everyone ;D