Good morning everyone! I hope folks have been enjoying their weekend and taking it easy. 6 days to Christmas
SQ - Your feelings are entirely natural. All change brings about huge emotional tideswells, even changes we initiated in our lives, such as immigration. You think you're in control and you have everything in hand, and then the reality comes and it hits you like a tsunami. Suddenly all that is involved unfolds on you and you feel like you're drowning in the tide.
Your advice is spot on, though. It's important to live your life as normally as possible, to enjoy the things you always have about one place, because you never know when life is going to come along and fling you some place else, even if you asked it to do so!

All the best to you and yours, don't forget the landing story!
Enjoy the upcoming week, folks, anticipation is what makes times like Christmas so enjoyable.