GREAT NEWS EVERYONE my hubby just checked the mail and He received his passport request ..that's great news for most of you on here because from your timelines I see your application was received at KINGSTON just a couple weeks - couple of months after mine.. It's been about a month since my MP also contacts Kingston and my ECaS was just changed on Tuesday to state the day they begun processing or application .i checked my husbands ECaS just now and it doesn't say decision made or anything on there so that's also great news for some as you may receive a PPR before your ECAS changes

.. I'm going to get my husband to send me a copy of the letter he received and I will post it on here when it gets done there any way to post photos on this forum ?? Because he will likely just screen shot the letter and send to me and I can post the original ... Our process was aprox 10 months from start to finish ..I log into this forum on my smartphone not a computer ..last time I tried to post something it told me I am not allowed to post links into the forum (worded differently tban that though).. My husband and I were together for 7 years and married for 4 so we did have a lot included in our application because it was a lot of history to document. And he was in canada on a work program when met so we had lived together in canada before so that had a part in the amount of stuff I summited .. And if I did make anyone feel worried or intimidated when I wrote what I included I do apologize that wasnt my intention and as you all know Cic isn't specific when indicating what to include so after seeing other completed sponsorship applications my friends had summited for there spousal sponsorships plus taking advice from others on this forum to organize my application and have a table of contents and also tabs on the ends so the VO can easily find anything they need in the application it was well organized and i spent a great deal of time on preparing it , plus my experience with previous sponsorships I went through and the advice of a family friend whom has practiced immigration law for 15 years and has only had 2 refusals for criminal reasons and made no money from me all he did was give me advice and read over my application when it was have to also remember that leaving out information and not being specific and detailed could actually backfire on you resulting in having your application refused for misrepresentation for leaving out information ... But you are right when you say you don't have to include all of what I included because your a example of a application that got approved and PPR when you didnt include all that much documentation and I'm a example of a application that got approved and a PPR when I did include a lot of information .. Everyone's marriage is different and for everyone there is different factors and the length of marriage, amount of time spent together in Jamaica or canada before and after your married , the amount of assests and properties you both jointly own together , the amount you communicate and how you communicate and so many more things differ from one person to another so obviously that would have a big impact on how much you include on your application...obviously someone married for 3 years and only having 5 visits to see each other and talking twice daily would have a lot less to include them someone married for 4 years together for 7 and living together for a portion of the time in Canada and talking 6-10 times a day would include . Once my husbands mom got really sick he had to stay over there and help her out because most of you know how the health care system and hospitals are in Jamaica .. He was back home for about 1.5 years before we filed our application and once his mom passed we summited it . The main reason our application was so much was because we simply had a lot to document, it was a long relationship with many things that happened along the way and if we didn't include everything we did and in a rare circumstance if Cic found out about some of it then we could have had our application refused. Cic also launched a pilot project December 2014 giving inland applicants the opportunity to apply for a work permit while they wait for there application to be approved , had this of been a option when I summited our application we would have probably went the inland way ... Since we summited our application my husband reapplied for a TRV but they refused it because our sponsorship application was summited . anyways ladies have your husbands check the mail frequently now because more of you should be receiving Passport Requests anytime now

now question if any of you are able to let me know what route you went I would much appreciate it . My husband is saying he is going to use DHL to send his passport has anyone else used DHL ? Or is here a better courier to use ....yayyyy KINGSTON is finally moving do you ladies all have your timelines underneath your user name ? How do I add mine ? I am going to go through all correspondence I have from CIC and have the specific dates written as it may be helpful to some ... I have been on this forum for a while browsing and reading the advice of others all along the journey but I couldn't get use to the site so I was just reading things and not posting replies so I'm not common with how it all works..