lonelydreadswife said:
Question I am a newbie with my package do I write letter saying kids are not coming they are on our application but not coming with my husband right away
Welcome to the forum newbie ldw.

If at any point in the future you want to be able to sponsor your step-children and they are currently under the age of 19, you must include them in your application as "non-accompanying" dependents. They must also have a medical and copies of other documents that are noted in the application package. It is critical to include them now (even though they may not be coming with your husband when he lands, that is why CIC uses the term "non-accompanying") because if they are not documented with his application, you will
never be able to sponsor them in the future. Even if they never want to come, you at least want to ensure that you and your husband (and hopefully their mother) have left that choice and opportunity open for them. So you do not need a separate letter to do this, you can just describe this in the contents of your application where they give room for other notes. Hope this helps. Blessings.