Good evening to everyone first I must say CONGRATS NEV CONGRATS!!!!!!!!

,I don't want to get anyone down with my news but I spoke with a member online already she advise me when am ready to post there is support for me thank you,just remember guys that every body situation is different ok so get sadden by anyone else denial ok. My application was denied base on my refugee claim I made and the fact that I entered the country in a wrong name. For my friends with the age different you are ok they never say nutin about my relationship it was just about the refugee so they wanted a ARC which they never the bottom of the letter it stated that I am inadmissible to CDN as an ARC was not submitted, guys they never ask for one. Another thing can you believe that the decision was made from Oct 16, and if my lawyer never send an e-mail to get an update of the application status I would be sitting and waiting until (Jesus come lol figure of speech)my lawyer is so pissed my husband is devastated I cried my eyes out the kids cried because they see me crying, my lawyer said that one case has nutin to do with the other because I complied with the rule I never over stayed my time I got 30 days to leave the country after my refugee claim was failed I leave so he said I didn't need one an officer signed me out when I left I wasn't in any detention center I wasn be escorted ont the plane my pp was placed in my hands if I wanted to went back through those airport doors I could have and to be honest it was tempting to go through the doors after kissing my husband and watching him leave,but I complied with every rules I was honest and this is what honesty brings.But the appeal will start soon my husband going to meet with the lawyer tomorrow to start the paper works so this is another journey it took them almost two years to figure out I needed an ARC so the fight just begin with me. My husband PLAN ON COMING NXT YEAR. Please my friends please don't be discouraged ok,not sure if anyone has a similar case to mine would be happy for them to share.WOF our appeal starts I wish you best of luck also ok am jsu gonna hang in there and keep the faith,these people try to break us they try to send us over the edge but I wont allow them am stronger than them am ready to fight.