Nevaeha said:
Good evening Jam Fam!!!! 
Thank you so much for your amazing posts, prayers, pm's, phone calls, and fb messages -- hubby and I are overwhelmed with the love.
Last night hubby phoned me and told me he was lonely and he that he was so tired of this process. I have never heard him sound so low and it broke my heart. We decided to have a Skype date and that made it even worse. My hubby was lying in bed curled up in the fetal position sobbing uncontrollably. It killed me to see him this way and there was nothing I could do to console him. He told me he had to hang up and that he would call me back. When he called me back he was still down but he was much calmer. We talked for a long time and had a good cry together, said good-bye and hung up.
Before I went to sleep I prayed to God and Nelson Mandela (seriously) and asked them to see us through the immigration process.
And just like that, my prayers were answered. Okay, it wasn't that easy, I have cried an ocean of tears, prayed, begged, kicked, yelled, and screamed my way through this process...
Here is how the call from my hubby went down this morning:
*ring*ring*ring*ring* (my call display indicates my hubby is calling)
Nev: 'Hi Pooky'
Mr Nev: 'Honey, we got it'
Nev: 'Got, what?'
Then Mr Nev goes into Patois and I started bawling like a baby...I don't even remember what he was saying and I told him to call me back. So he calls me back (about 100 times today!) and this is how I remember the conversation. His phone rang this morning and it was from a blocked number. It was a lady with a Jamaican accent and she asked if she was speaking with Mr Nev. She then told him his application would be finalized if he could fly to Canada before January 6. He said yes. She asked him this three times and each time he said yes. She told him he had to be in KG on Monday and to bring his passport and flight itinerary.
So today was a mad scramble because I had to cancel our trip to Sandals Whitehouse :'( , change my flight to JA that I booked for January, book my hubby's flight to Canada, and send him the itinerary. I also had to juggle work obligations to make everything happen for our December flight home - 'secret date' to be announced in our landing story.
Hubby and I decided a long time ago that we weren't going to tell anyone when he was coming to Canada so it could be a BIG surprise! I did tell him that I would be sharing our wonderful news with the Jam Fam. And thank goodness I have all of you because I am terrible at keeping secrets of this magnitude!!!!!
And that, my dear friends, is the PPR story for Mr and Mrs Nev. 
For those of you that know my story you may remember that my hubby's medical was extended for a year which is why KG asked if he could land by January 6 when it was going to expire AGAIN. You may also recall that I ordered our GCMS notes SEVERAL times and the statuses (excluding medical) were all NOT STARTED -- right up until the most recent ones that were printed on November 26. Our last due date was April 2013.
I sent an email to KG Tuesday morning, the day after I received the GCMS notes asking them for an update on our application and gently reminded them of their request for RPRF, police certificate re-do, and the pending medical extension expiration from February 2013. I didn't receive a response from KG so I will never know if it was coincidence that they requested my hubby's passport, if they always knew they were going to ask for it one month before hubby had to land, or if my email nudged them to go look for the application that was collecting dust since April 2013. And you know what, at this point, it doesn't even matter because my hubby is coming home.
I will always be thankful for this forum and the wonderful people I have met because of it. Nobody will ever know what we have gone through and we have a bond for life even if we go our separate ways. This has been one CrAzY long banana boat ride and I'm grateful that it's almost time for me to get off; however, you can count on me to be cheering for each of you through your journeys.
Thank you my Jam Fam, thank you for everything... :-*
Halfmoon here ;D ;D
**Waves** @ the old and new!!!
I've never forgotten about the spirit of this forum and recall this being the season of magical reunions right here. Soooo I logged in and saw all sorts of purple and had to find out what the grand excitement was about.
So without further a due.... Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Nev!!! Take it all in, it's a wonderful feeling and once he's here, I promise the long journey will be a distant memory, why? Because there will be so many new one's to make!!!
Neveaha, this one's for you beautiful!
Doing it like how we did "back in the days" ------->
*****THROWS CONFETTI!!!******
It's been a busy year @ the Halfmoon home and we're doing awesome! We're getting ready for our first vacation in a few weeks and no, it won't be JA!! HAHA!! We're saving that for our anniversary next August!
Chickie, I WILL be back soon - saved a whole lot of confetti for you too.