hey everyone,
I am here .. been reading the posts by all of you but I just haven't had anything to say.
I have been having one of those crazy moments in my life where I am over thinking all the possible IMM outcomes and all I keep thinking is negativity.
I feel so bleehhh that I haven't had one update from my POS office since my application was in process. I keep asking my partner each day if any mail came and sadly there is nothing in the brown envelope that has my name on it
One person told me that we should contact the Minister of Immigration and raise our concerns with him knowing that we are paying them to process our applications and yet it's taking so freaking long.
Another one of my downsides is I have outstanding tuition to pay for my university in Canada and this too is driving me crazy because interest is adding up each month. I was admitted into my university to pay domestic fees and then all of a sudden, this past September I got a call from the Registrar's office stating that they will be charging me for international tuition because I don't have any proper documentation (only Refugee IMM documents)
My tuition went up from around 6000 to 20000 in just 3 days. I had to drop most of my courses for this semester and a few for last semester. Then, a letter came to me around that same time from CBSA that I had to leave Canada.
I tried negotiating with my school to grant me an exception seeing that they are dropping the ball on me at almost mid school semester but those Aholes are only about money. However, the registrar was able to negotiate with me that if I get my PR before September 2010 they can switch back my tuition and I will only have to pay domestic fees with the interest being charged.
Now, with the pace at which CIC is work at POS I highly ever doubt that I will be able to reach back to Canada before September.
I am so freaking afraid of what will happen with my tuition because each month the interest keeps adding on and on. My only source of information is the internet to try and find ways I can fight this charge with the university. Oh, I was in my last year of studies when all this shit started happening.
My life is on hold and I have no darn clue what to look forward to next. So ya, I am a bit worried and concerned and scared and don't know what to do next. I wish there were assertions and answers to my concerns.
Partner and some people have told me to wait until that time comes, seek all my avenues of trying to get the school to drop the fees and then take further action (University Ombudsman) from there. '
Arggghhhhhhhhhhhh .............. sorry guys for all this venting