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Hero Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Pentient mi still naw no wah yuh a seh to mi all know my fren......lawwwd mi too blonde bahahahaha

missinmyboo i sent you a email my girl check it nuh


Hero Member
Nov 27, 2009
Job Offer........
LCW... i think he wants to know how you feel about the whole tiger woods scandal and all the OOMAN DEM.....

Well supposidly his wife LOCKED SHOP PON HIM.... not to say I condone cheating... but it's a wife's responsibilility to tek care of her husband... and if she won't give it to him....then what do you expect.... him haffi get it somewhere....

Now there are 10 woman and one OOMAN has a picture of his JUNK....LOL..
and she is trying to sell it to playgirl magazine for lots of DOE JOE......


Hero Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Kingston JA
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Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Good afternoon.... LCW..thanks for the email...finally got things working. It is funny because I did not imagine you as a blonde..lol. I had not heard of "tagged" before...still checking it all out. Thanks for the link.

Hope everyone is good. Tried to get some xmas shopping done today :eek:..want to send off a few things to JA.

Canuck you must be so excited to fly away from the great white north to warm and sunny JA, have a wonderful trip and enjoy every minute. Good luck with the wedding, hope everything goes smoothly.

Penitant....Tiger Woods is a joke.. and all I can say is "HE GOT CAUGHT" ;D as every cheating man/woman should !!! Vows are Vows...and respect is respect!! If you NOT happy with your Wife or Hubby GET OUT of the marriage and by all means have your fun. Don't disrespect the person at home...OH MAN!!!

SOSO...has hubby showed you how to boil water yet????... :p


Hero Member
Nov 27, 2009
Visa Office......
Kingston Jamaica
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Passport Req..
Good Afternoon All....

wha gwan forum family... been a little busy at work... trying to get caught up with work so i can manage my time to go x mas shopping on my lunches... i cant believe how quick christmas is approaching... mi nah ready at all. Plus mi try and take some time to go to the gym... i quit smoking cigarettes on just passed Valentines day and since then the pounds are comin on slowly but surely - its true about the motabolism slowing down... so mi a get my body back before mi nah recongnize myself.

Stressed - that is too bad that you have to wait for the forms from the IO - i am still suprised that they let your application go on for that long without word that your medical is not completed. Fingers crossed that you get the medical re-do form sooner than later... what a pain in the rarse!

Soso - wha gwan girl.. how are them legs? better yet? still walkin like an old granny or are you back? lol how is hubby managing the cold...?

Frequent any word on the PR card as yet?

Lonley - wha gwan girl... how u managing? i hope all is well fi you and your likkle princess!

Canuck - you must be so excited... we are going to miss your jokes when your gone... but we will be waiting for you to return to hear all about the wedding...

Peni - glad to see your still sticking around... you have to tell mrs. Peni hello from the forum - i hope everything soon gets sorted out with your application... i admire your strenth!

Jamwifey - when does hubby go home? you must be super sad that he has to leave soon! Chin up girl.. soon you will be together full time.

to everyone else, KMC, rosemel, missingmyhubby, missingmyboo, longdistance, sassy, glogirl, EVERYONE! big up your selves!


Hero Member
Nov 26, 2009
Visa Office......
Kingston JA
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AOR Received.
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Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
KC..always nice to see you posting and it must be such a great feeling knowing hubby is with you this xmas...I bet he will get a great present under the tree this year..(WINK).. :-*

Seems everyone is busy with the hustle of this season and all the trips to JA planned and hubbies that are home for their first xmas here in Canada...I wish you all a wonderful holiday season. Although I know I am not the only one alone this xmas, it is still going to be difficult. I will count my blessings and just pray that we all will have our mates home next year to spend this holiday season together with our loved ones, as it should be. When I started this process I had always hoped he would be here for xmas, but knew deep down it was just wishful thinking and being one of the ones that received news last week...I must add that all it does (right before the holidays) is give you empty hope...and with each day that passes the hope does too that things will still happen before the new year... My family forum YOU are the only people that understand what we are all going through. SO I will go through this holiday faking happiness and joy...But next year LOOK OUT!!!...thanks guys for all your support!!


Hero Member
Nov 30, 2009
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01 Feb, 2010
AOR Received.
Mar 11,2010
File Transfer...
26 Feb, 2010
Med's Request
Nov 22, 2010
Med's Done....
Jan 6, 2010
Passport Req..
Nov 17, 2010
Dec 2, 2010
Dec 27, 2010
Rosemel, although you may leonely during xmas, know you are not alone. Our prayers are with you and next year things will be better for all of us, keep the faith my girl.
here's a little giggle for you

A pirate walks off his ship. He has a wooden leg, a hook for a hand, and a patch over his right eye. He sits down on a bench, and begins throwing peanuts to the seagulls. Two curious young children shyly sit down next to him and ask the pirate how he came to have a wooden leg.

The pirate replies, "Well, I was standing on the deck of me ship one day, and a wave washed me overboard. Then, a hungry shark attacked me and bit me leg off." The little boy then asks, "How did you lose your hand?"

"Many years ago, I was fighting the Navy, and one of them boys cut me hand off. Me doc couldn't find a hand, so he gave me this hook." Next, the little girl asks, "How did you lose your eye?"

"Well, I was standing watch up in the crow's nest, and just as I looked up, a lousy seagull flew over and did his business right in me eye." The children, now thoroughly confused, ask, "How did that cause you to lose your eye?"

The pirate explains, "Well, it was me first day with the hook."


Hero Member
Nov 27, 2009
Job Offer........
Hey everyone.
Just enjoying my day off no more until Dec 20th what a whacko..lol
Christmas is fast coming and I haven't started. I was thinking on sending a few things down but thinking what if they get "lost"
KC416 great to see you here how is hubby liken the cold? Soso wha gwan girl? How is hubby doing so far?

Today I ran into a friend who's daughter married a Morrocan anyhow she was telling me that if they spend 1 yr apart the marriage is null and void. They are still in process and she is going back to stay for months again. She said it has to do with his culture sure glad JA doesn't see it that way.

So 7 mths now and still holding on. Seems like a endless road we are on. Hubby getting all frustrated and ray ray about others aleady leaving. So I explain over and over you were on a overstay and been here. They who have gotten out lately have not been and nothing in Canada has to be checked so relax cause you aren't special then the next guy and can't get out just cause you think so. They check it all and whatnot so chill. And of course I get the kissing of the teeth :( drives me crazy. I say hey I dont work there at IMM so why you asking me what they are doing etc. A big bone of contention I must say.
I know stress and separation plays a huge part but breath.

Hey I was just over reading the "other board" and crazy had her baby she says 21 hrs after he landed.


Star Member
Dec 8, 2009
Visa Office......
Kingston, Jamaica
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AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Hi everyone. Its good to find a site like this. I recently got married and I need some answers to some questions. I hope I can get some help.

(1) We had applied for the Option C in october and they said that we would get it six(6) weeks time and that would be in November. The thing is we are not sending in our application until about February 2010. If we get the Option C for 2008 can that still be use or do we have to apply for the 2009 one. How soon can we apply for it.
(2) My daughter who is 18 years will also be accompanying me. Do I have to wait until I get her information before sending in the application. How soon should we do the police clearance and medical?
(3) How can we get a printout from the telephone company for all incoming/outgoing calls?
(4) When my husband is requesting his employment letter to whom should it be addressed?
(5) Also who should the letters that my husband and I friends/relatives address their letters to and what should it entails?

I don't want to make an unnecessary mistakes. Please help me.


Star Member
Dec 2, 2009
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AOR Received.
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Med's Request
(redo of med /police clearance) July 14,2010
Med's Done....
15-10-2008 Submitted to Kingston August 17
Passport Req..
sassy75 said:

Are you dealing with an ARC? Did your husband get deported? Sorry to ask a repeat question if you have already answered this but I am just wondering why your file is taking so long....
they didnt request for an ARC...my husband did overstayed and he apply for a PRRA and didnt get approved they tell him to go back home so he did and immigration also told us that if i sponsored him his PRRA wont affect the application...


Hero Member
Nov 27, 2009
Visa Office......
Kingston Jamaica
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Passport Req..
Good Afternoon Iambless, welcome to this forum... i saw you posted on immigration.ca. I am glad you found us here - we all used to be on that site but since the changes we have moved over to this immigration Forum. So even though you may not find a large amount of info on the prior pages there are plenty of us on here with experience.

iambless said:
Hi everyone. Its good to find a site like this. I recently got married and I need some answers to some questions. I hope I can get some help.

Congrats on getting married - we will do everything possible to make sure that you are 100% ready to send off your application complete! FYI I am in Canada and I sponsored my husband from Jamaica who is now with me.

(1) We had applied for the Option C in october and they said that we would get it six(6) weeks time and that would be in November. The thing is we are not sending in our application until about February 2010. If we get the Option C for 2008 can that still be use or do we have to apply for the 2009 one. How soon can we apply for it.

Well since you will be sending off your package before the taxes are due for 2009 (April 30, 2010) your 2008 calandar year option c is fine - I am assuming that if you call up and ask rev. canada for a new option C print out in January it will be the same as the one you have now. someone correct me if I am wrong please. I had the same issue because I applied March 2009 before I did my 2008 year taxes. I also sent in my T4 slip for the same calandar year (not manditory)

(2) My daughter who is 18 years will also be accompanying me. Do I have to wait until I get her information before sending in the application. How soon should we do the police clearance and medical?

Yes, you need to wait until you have ALL information for you and your daughter before sending in the package. Your medical is only valid for 1 year and must be done by a DMP - if your medical expieres you have to re-do them and that process can add months on to your time line- make sure he is on the list provided by CIC (let me know if you need the link) there has been cases of ginal doctors saying that can do this medical and are not Designated. Make sure to do the medical as close to sending off the package as possible. I sent hubby to do his in Febraury sent off package in March - make it the last thing you do. Police clearnace has to be done within 3 months PRIOR to sending the package in. Again make it one of the last things you do before sending in the package. Make sure to follow the exact procedure outlined by cic.

(3) How can we get a printout from the telephone company for all incoming/outgoing calls?

Many of us didnt send in phone bills. I got my phone company (which I had to pay for)- to send me a print out of all long distance calls I made and for roaming calls (calls that i made while in JA)for the past year. This helped prove that i did infact call his number and that i was billed for calls that i made in JA the same day(s) i claimed to be in JA for. Anyone in JA knows that JA has the best over sea calling so 99% of calls are made from JA to Canada - my phone bill was very small concidering I never called JA too tough.

Some have been able to retrieve phone bills from Digicel and other companies in JA but it can be a real difficult to obtain. Phone cards are no longer accepted. People also send in copies of "chat pages" if you talk on the internet such as MSN or YAHOO messenger.

(4) When my husband is requesting his employment letter to whom should it be addressed?

Letter can be address to whom it may concern - this way he can use it for any other matter / reference as well -just take a photocopy. make sure it lists how much money he made and how many hours per week and if its full time or not. My letter was not a character letter at all (didnt talk about if i was a good worker or not).

(5) Also who should the letters that my husband and I friends/relatives address their letters to and what should it entails?

Again, address it to whom it may concern. All of my letters I provided were different - Hubbies parents wrote things such as when they met me for the first time, spoke about our wedding, how hubby would talk to me on the phone every night and that they were aware of our relationship and how they support it and how i visted them when i visited my hubby. My moms letter spoke about when i told her about my relationship and that she watched it devoloped and said some nice things about me and somet nice things about him and how we are compatable and how she welcomes my hubby into the family and how she cant wait for him to be here. My friends were more detailed, one spoke about how she was there when I met hubby, how she has never seen me so in love, talked about the times she came to JA with me and my wedding and his family and friends and places we went all together. My other friend was strait to the point basically saying that she has always known about the relatinonship, she supports it, and she vouches that its 100% bonifide. They all copied their passports with pic and stamp to JA and attached it to the letters (this way they can put a face to the name and letter and also see them at the pictures of my wedding) They left their contact information and all said feel free to contact me for further information. I also wrote a letter myself describing my situation since I thought I had a lot to prove since me and hubby always lived in different countries so I wanted there to be no room for a questioned asked by the immigration officer (IO)- I covered everything from the time I first saw him to the last time I saw him and how i just wanted to be with my hubby so that we can live out our dreams and have a beautiful family.

I don't want to make an unnecessary mistakes. Please help me.

Feel free to ask away...we will make sure your application is as mistake free as possible. My file was very strait forward. Married my husband in January 2009 after dating 2 years and applied in March. Kingston received my file in April and my husband arrived in Canada 7 months and 2 days later (7 months is 30% of cases). My husband had never left Jamaica before and we have no children and have never been married before.

Have you or your child ever lived in another country before? No ciminal record on either side (even as a yout)?
I am assuming that you and your daughter are in Jamaica and your husband is in Canada and will be sponsoring you?


Hero Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Job Offer........
;D hey everyone, I am here, just been very busy with a lot of stuff, want things to be perfect when hubby arrives on sunday. i am soooo excited i cant wait! im not even thinking about kgn (except for when i get an unknown call on my phone and i wonder if its them calling) anyhow, i am very happy and excited right now. he will be here for a little while and we plan to visit the embassy in kgn to ask them WTF???!!! lmao. well not like that but we are going to go up there and see what we can find out if anything, based on previous comments i know how vague they can be.

LCW, Jamwifey, Stressed mi gaza fren, rosmel,m penitent,missin, glogirl, conuck, hatewaiting...gawwd all of you, hold the faith and i hope each of us can find something about this season that makes us even a bit happier than we are most days just sitting around and waiting. jamwifey you bam bam soon done and mine soon begin..lol! I keep telling hubby he needs to be ready, he keeps warning me that i better be able to keep up. lol. anyway ladies, im still here, may not post a whole lot, not that i used to...but i will pop in, and i hope one of us hears something very soon, its getting ridiculous! or do you think as soon as january steps in we will start having crazy updates? lets see...

Night night peeps. ;D


Hero Member
Jan 25, 2009
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AOR Received.
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Med's Done....
Passport Req..

Welcome Iambless wah gwaan look like KC a sortt you out pan dat yah one...so mi naw bother say nuttin ;D

Welcome to wi forum we are glad yuh dehya an will help you out nuff nuff when you need it ;D

Anyways ladies today is a snow day....mi a stay home from wuk mi an deh likkle princess deh...

MI hate deh Rass snow.......

KC thanks my girl ...mi an har a do fine...mi a jus continue fi feel blessed fi wah deh a lord a giv wi

SOSO.....mi kno wah pentient a chat bout Tiga...but him axe mi sintin bout hairdresser mi nuh kno wah him a chat...PENNI...forgive mi mi still nuh know wah yuh a deal wid :eek:

Anyways CANUCK yuh sooon BAM BAM niceness hehe......good ting nuff a uno pan yah get deh bam bam mi a wait fi dat like whooooooo :D

Anyone hear from pregnantwife??

Bless yuh hear mi naw call out no ones name but TO DEH WHOLE A WI forum fambly bless up !!!!


Star Member
Nov 27, 2009
Good morning to all forum family.........I address yu all as family.......why...... because on Kingston forum site thats wat we're........I wrote a little prayer encouraging us to pray for each other because...............There is Hope Through Prayer.

On this same site......... many of us have reached a place of hopelessness and are planning to give up, but we must never let them give up. We must continue to give hope to the hurting and lost. The Lord had me write this so that we could all see that giving up has consequences.

Giving Up Has Consequences

When we say we are giving up on someone, we are saying that we are giving up on God. God the Father created everyone on this earth.

(Gen. 1:26-27) “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

The Word says that God created man in His own image after His likeness. Would God give up on His own image? Father God believes in His own creation. We who are born of God should desire to see all walk in the image after the likeness of God and allow the Christ (anointing) in us to bring them to that place by encouraging life into them.

He did not put man in a class. He said man was created in His own image and that means that even the unsaved were created in His image. This includes prostitutes, drug addicts, gamblers, murderers - everyone. The point is God created everyone. They may not look or act like we want but that does not change what the Word says. They are potential family and that is the way we should see it. God sees each one as a part of His family. We know that Father wishes that none perish but we know according to the Word that some will perish.

We as Family members of God the Father should never be quick to give up on anyone. Love will keep seeing them the way the Word sees them. We are totally opposite of the way the world is. The world always talks failure but the Kingdom of God always speaks Life into another. The world gives up on people but God does not and neither do we. He always sends hope. If we do not give the lost and hurting hope we are doing exactly what the world does. Hope is the blueprint of a person’s life. We create that blueprint within them.

We are talking of God’s creation - the Kingdom of God and not a man made system. We know that the day of wrath is coming upon the earth and many will not make it but God will continue giving them the choice to be saved and the choice to change. It is their choice but if we continue believing and praying for God’s people things will change.

Many have been given nothing but hopelessness. Every direction they turn people turn their backs on them. We are to be their Faith.


Star Member
Nov 27, 2009
OOOOOOOH Lonely I was talking about the tagged picture.........the one with the blonde......with all different colors on.

Maple Syrup

Hero Member
Nov 26, 2009
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August 1, 2008
AOR Received.
November 14, 2008
File Transfer...
September 15, 2008
Med's Request
March 3, 2010
Med's Done....
July 14, 2008 & April 19, 2010
September 28, 2009 & June 11, 2010
Passport Req..
June 7, 2010
June 8, 2010
July 9, 2010
Good morning to all the Fam....

Happy Snow Day to all the hubbies who've recently arrived in Toronto!!! Where is the smiley with the shovel? lol.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day and some good news out of KG.
Canuck - Have a wonderful trip and an awesome wedding! 8) WHAM BAM!
KC - how is your hubby?? Wha him ah deal with
Welcome Iambless.
*Got my CAIPS notes/FOSS notes and they are certainly not blank!!!!*