lcw... thanks for answering... i was wondering if we should go early or not...
for anyone who needs the info, the documents you need to apply for the OHIP card, the list is here below (i lost my OHIP coverage when i lived in the US and had to reapply and know how awful they can be as far as making it as difficult as possible with their stupid document list... it's easier to get a passport i think!!!) ... (need one from each column - copy and paste link, my brain is too thick to remember enough html to get it to work lol )$File/9998-82E_.pdf
we should be good with a drivers licence and PR card, he'll bring his passport just in case... it becomes tricky when you don't have a drivers license... that's when you need to find something with an address on it
soso... i'm thinking pink too, but do come back and tell us!!!! i've got two boys and one girl... my daughter has 4 brothers, so she's dying for a sister... not sure if that'll happen!!!
hey everyone else... i'm going to get some baking going... banana bread here i come!