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  1. kmc


    thanks charlie d now a couple of questions . i know it has been asked before but its the tax and gst thing. i always claimed as single on the advice of my accountant. now hes here ive never added or changed anythinghe had a job for a month dec2010-jan2011,which was not enough to collect...
  2. kmc


    Good day all just drooping in to say hi. Hubby finally got a new permanent job .Its feels good now that i can actually make some plans for future travel and buying a house etc Wishing that u all have a great day whether here or abroad
  3. kmc


    hi all its been a while since i`ve been on . just busy getting hubby sorted out . so officially he`s legal. @nae u didnt waste any time ,congrats on your pregnancy i have not had a chance to read thru much but i will be back as soon as i can
  4. kmc


    by the way has anyones partner that has landed ..travelled to the us??? what do u need to go and /or come back.the only thing we dont have yet is the health card and dl
  5. kmc


    hello all just poping in to say hi and happy new year have not checked updates as yet but wish u all the best
  6. kmc


    Happy New Year
  7. kmc


    first of all my most respect and regards to rosmel i came here after you and got thru before you and my heart always went out to you when i seen what you were going thru and i am so glad for you now that you have finally gotten your greatest gift of all for christmas your husbnad and...
  8. kmc


    welcome back angella welcome home jammy and little jam jam canuck u on countdown ehh? sick u good ? god is good ..things going fine with hubby so far g1 ,got a job ,settling in.. so good to come home for a cooked meal and ... uknow to those who are waiting your turn will come promise...
  9. kmc


    @kimore iam sorry to hear the slackness has yet another family in turmoil .there is a reaspon for this .dont worry it will all make sense later @missbaby congrats on the aor @brown congrtas
  10. kmc


    god is good good day all .i am so happy right now ..i could not say anything i had to keep it a secret.. hubby arrived on wed instead of friday .just couldnt take the wait ..so hes settling in the cold and were doing fine .. get back to guys soon @canuck congrats its about time .happy...
  11. kmc


    hey guys how ya doing . real quiet in here hubbys meds were done 29 nov2009.the io asked if i could bok a ticket before that which i did. i gave her until the 19 and booked the date/ticket tentaively. i got a good vibe so i purchased the ticket the the night before he went to the...
  12. kmc


    good night all god is good gheesh i can hear the crickets ...... hope eveyone is good . hubby picked up his pp and he will be here by months end .i cant wait i always wonderd howeveyone felt and would feel .now i know to those that are still waiting .dont let anyone o anything get u...
  13. kmc


    @ angella .that should be a wonderful homecoming . both of you togrther ..i had thoght about doing that but at this last minute gonna be to costly and besides both our birthdays are like two eweks later @highly . isecond that @lcw ..good morning .howsa the time delay going..or should i say...
  14. kmc


    @ chelley..nov29 actaully . but she asked if could geta ticket to leave before that....wow.yes he dopped it of thursday around 10 @ nae.. thanks . i will need lots of them
  15. kmc


    everbody so quiet . wha gwan?? night room. guess everybody busy snuggling up in the cold . not me got some organizing to do so i booked hubby ticket for the 19.pending on the io"drop your pp and bring proof of the ticket and give her some time" so i gave her two weeks and a bit .so lets...
  16. kmc


    @ jammy conrats on pp drop off one step closer.. hubby dropped off his today to...lets go kg @ virtuous..hubby will be here just in time for the 1st snow.lol @canuck . no word yet ??.keep those jokes coming @ boo.you are on the right track now @all the ladies having babies .im jeaalous ...
  17. kmc


    night room . god is good @ jamwifey congrat girl . about time . wish u all the best about the health card i know it kicks in 3 months but what in the mean time .i do not have employee benefits is any one from the suburbs like mississauga or surrounding aresa ?need more info on the welcome...
  18. kmc


    its funny . its only after i made the post earlier that i realized i could have done what eveyone of u guys is suggestingg. my brain is fried.sorry but thanks all!! @missing ....keep your head up girl .this is all happening for a reason..you might not see it now but the future is very near...
  19. kmc


    btw thanks in advance for you guys help i wont respond again until later i m teefing someones comp for a minute
  20. kmc


    as far as plans .it seems to be more headache than i thought hubby said the lady from immigration said to bring a ticket(i guess proof of a booked ticket ) with him when he is coming to drop off the passport and give her some time.and to bring it in today or thursday coming problem is how...