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Need to be with Hubby

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Mar 6, 2013
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chickie72 said:
Well I guess us Canadians like to enjoy our vacations when we come down....i don't know about anyone else but i work hard up here and when I am on vacation, I wanna enjoy myself. I don't wanna sit in a house. I had never been to Jamaica before and I wanted to see the sites and to meet my husbands family. They are spread out all over Jamaica so the only way we could get to them was by car. I didn't mean this to cause an upset in our little forum here! I was just saying sometimes it is hard to come up with the money to go see your spouses, it isn't just the plane fare you need, that is all I meant.
My husband is similar to you Chickie, money isn't always there but when he comes down he wanna stay in a nice place because that is what he is use to in Canada and he didn't work his butt off to vacation in a shack. lmao yes i have a huge family and he has tuns of friends and they all look for something you know.


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When God is ready for us.
Need to be with Hubby said:
My husband is similar to you Chickie, money isn't always there but when he comes down he wanna stay in a nice place because that is what he is use to in Canada and he didn't work his butt off to vacation in a shack.

What does shack mean? You know what they say one man's shack is another man's palace. I guess it depends on what your perception of shack is. I grew up in rural Jamaica (Clarendon) we did not have running water still don't have it. We didn't have electricity, recently got it. We had a house built of wood..still there after 50 + years. My grandparents build it with their own hands. Some people call it a shack. My husband has visited and stayed there with me and we think that it is priceless. We must be greatful for what we have no matter how small. we must not use degrating words to describe someone home. It is not about luxury or what someone has. i know a lot of decent people who have come out of "shacks". Needless to say I have a peeve for that word. God blesses some with more and it is his expectation that if we have it we should give freely and share. To much that is given much is expected. This is one of the way that we get our blessings. When I travel around Jamaica and see some of the homes that people have beautiful or not they have such ride in it. You see them sweeping the ground as if it were marble. they are so proud and for the most part happy. In my husband's area there is a family that does not have alot of material things but the children are so happy. They are thankful fo waht they have. I brought down an extra suitcase with things that they might need. I am happy to do that i am not looking for thanks but because I am blessed I felt obligated to do so. When I hear the story of one of our memebr who is going to adopt the children because they lost their parents. i thank God for her heart and for her family that have stepped up to the plate to take care of those children. God Bless them. They will forever be in my prayers. There are really truly wonderful people around. When i see the children practically killing themselves to be educated..going to school without shoes barefoot, lunch money, book. Parents working long hours washing people's clothes, cleaning their homes to get money to support their family I pray for a financial blessing so that I could help even one of them. I am sorry if i am going off but some things words (shack) just get me going. Let us all be thankful that we are very blessed and pray for the blessings of others.

I hope no one is offended my this however this is my opinion.


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Jan 20, 2012
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Morning everyone!!!

Well 7 weeks today and our little princess is due. Getting really excited to meet her

So I have decided that once I'm good to go after having the baby and the baby ois good to travel I am going to head down to JA for 6 months. What better way to save money and spend my mat leave. My hubby is so excited and I'm happy that he'll be able to bond with our baby.

I hope that while I'm down there I can meet some of you that travel down. I'll need a little piece of home every once and a while

On the topic of money and spending it down there. Its not that expensive. You just need to know where to shop. I agree with Chickie....the flight , car rental and gas is the most expensive thing.

Well off here for now. Going to spend sometime outside in this nice weather. Soooo happy flip flop weather is here. My poor pregnant feet can't take the shoes anymore

Sammy :)


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if CIC is tracking us on the site today its a very good day for them to read all the post.

from the husband view.

this is very hard on us as well as i go through each day listening to my wife and knowing that if i was right beside her then we can move mountain. its said with faith you can move mountain some people might think its a magic trick its not, its knowing you have an obstacle in front of you and be able to overcome it all no matter the odds. i believe that as men we should do our part in providing food, clothing and shelter for our family and not getting to do that is very hard especially when you know what your faced with. she fights snow, rain, thunder storm and all other forces of nature so that we can smile in what ever way possible and why because that's what marriage is about. i fight all the forces of nature here so when she comes she has nothing to worry about.
this is hard physically, emotionally and mentally but we should keep the faith that all things works together for good.


Champion Member
Nov 9, 2012
Aww sweetieq that just touched my heart right there tears just started coming down. My husband is stayin in Clarendon running water is very low at times but I managed and got through it. I give thanks to the good lord for being able to afford a place that I call my second home to shelter and protect my husband. It is small but it is well managable as long as he has a place to sleep, cook and bathe were both happy. I loved jamaica from the small to the big things. I know what it is like to struggle I take pride in everything.

SweetieQ said:
Need to be with Hubby said:
My husband is similar to you Chickie, money isn't always there but when he comes down he wanna stay in a nice place because that is what he is use to in Canada and he didn't work his butt off to vacation in a shack.

What does shack mean? You know what they say one man's shack is another man's palace. I guess it depends on what your perception of shack is. I grew up in rural Jamaica (Clarendon) we did not have running water still don't have it. We didn't have electricity, recently got it. We had a house built of wood..still there after 50 + years. My grandparents build it with their own hands. Some people call it a shack. My husband has visited and stayed there with me and we think that it is priceless. We must be greatful for what we have no matter how small. we must not use degrating words to describe someone home. It is not about luxury or what someone has. i know a lot of decent people who have come out of "shacks". Needless to say I have a peeve for that word. God blesses some with more and it is his expectation that if we have it we should give freely and share. To much that is given much is expected. This is one of the way that we get our blessings. When I travel around Jamaica and see some of the homes that people have beautiful or not they have such ride in it. You see them sweeping the ground as if it were marble. they are so proud and for the most part happy. In my husband's area there is a family that does not have alot of material things but the children are so happy. They are thankful fo waht they have. I brought down an extra suitcase with things that they might need. I am happy to do that i am not looking for thanks but because I am blessed I felt obligated to do so. When I hear the story of one of our memebr who is going to adopt the children because they lost their parents. i thank God for her heart and for her family that have stepped up to the plate to take care of those children. God Bless them. They will forever be in my prayers. There are really truly wonderful people around. When i see the children practically killing themselves to be educated..going to school without shoes barefoot, lunch money, book. Parents working long hours washing people's clothes, cleaning their homes to get money to support their family I pray for a financial blessing so that I could help even one of them. I am sorry if i am going off but some things words (shack) just get me going. Let us all be thankful that we are very blessed and pray for the blessings of others.

I hope no one is offended my this however this is my opinion.


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Apr 10, 2013
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SweetieQ said:
Need to be with Hubby said:
My husband is similar to you Chickie, money isn't always there but when he comes down he wanna stay in a nice place because that is what he is use to in Canada and he didn't work his butt off to vacation in a shack.

What does shack mean? You know what they say one man's shack is another man's palace. I guess it depends on what your perception of shack is. I grew up in rural Jamaica (Clarendon) we did not have running water still don't have it. We didn't have electricity, recently got it. We had a house built of wood..still there after 50 + years. My grandparents build it with their own hands. Some people call it a shack. My husband has visited and stayed there with me and we think that it is priceless. We must be greatful for what we have no matter how small. we must not use degrating words to describe someone home. It is not about luxury or what someone has. i know a lot of decent people who have come out of "shacks". Needless to say I have a peeve for that word. God blesses some with more and it is his expectation that if we have it we should give freely and share. To much that is given much is expected. This is one of the way that we get our blessings. When I travel around Jamaica and see some of the homes that people have beautiful or not they have such ride in it. You see them sweeping the ground as if it were marble. they are so proud and for the most part happy. In my husband's area there is a family that does not have alot of material things but the children are so happy. They are thankful fo waht they have. I brought down an extra suitcase with things that they might need. I am happy to do that i am not looking for thanks but because I am blessed I felt obligated to do so. When I hear the story of one of our memebr who is going to adopt the children because they lost their parents. i thank God for her heart and for her family that have stepped up to the plate to take care of those children. God Bless them. They will forever be in my prayers. There are really truly wonderful people around. When i see the children practically killing themselves to be educated..going to school without shoes barefoot, lunch money, book. Parents working long hours washing people's clothes, cleaning their homes to get money to support their family I pray for a financial blessing so that I could help even one of them. I am sorry if i am going off but some things words (shack) just get me going. Let us all be thankful that we are very blessed and pray for the blessings of others.

I hope no one is offended my this however this is my opinion.

same journeys are different path from others the only thing we are all looking for the same outcome and because of this we really need to be strong for each other.


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Nov 6, 2012
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Yes its very hard to find work in Jamaica and I would be very thankful for my husband to work. Right now he can only find work in Ochi and he would have to take a taxi everyday both ways doesnt make much sense when your wage isnt much more then you spend to get to work. I send money every payday I have to help him out. I have always told him that I dont have a problem helping as long as I can see he is trying. He works odd jobs when he can. Plus I made sure he doesnt go without food. I was raised by a single mother who came from a poor family, growing up she lived very smiliar to how Jamaican's live but up in the NOrth with long winters. She has always raised me to be giving and now with my husband she helps us out when she can. I keep telling him we are close to the end and we will be starting our lives together soon. Right now we are just keeping out heads above water. I dont have a lot of money to go down there and he knows that we stayed on budget as much as we could and any left over money from that day would go to the next, the last day we had extra so I was able to get some things that he needed before I left. We dont have another option then staying in a hotel seeing he has moved in with his family to save money and his moms place is small and with a family of 4 and shared room with his cousin makes it hard for me to stay there. we stay in St. Mary for 2,000 JMD a night most I will pay for a room is 6,000 JMD.


Full Member
Nov 5, 2012
Good morning forum family and welcome to our newbies, do stick and stay. I was looking forward to congrats for some of you but KG seems to have gone silent, so itta go some times. When we go down now we stay with family and friends and like many of you we like to help them out. Not that they can't make it on thier own but we feel blessed and like to share with them. We know now that it will be expensive and plan accordingly, may mean 1 less trip down but we feel good when we come back up being able to help. We are putting our efforts into brining family and friends up, let them see and enjoy what we have up here.
Charlie, good to see you pop in, take care girl

A mother was working in the kitchen, listening to her five-year-old son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop & her son saying, "All of you bastards who want off, get the hell off now, 'cause this is the last stop! And all of you bastards who are getting on, get your ass in the train, cause we're going down the tracks."

The horrified mother went in & told her son, "We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room & stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out,you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language."

Two hours later, the son came out of the bedroom & resumed playing with his train. Soon the train stopped & the mother heard her son say, "All passengers who are disembarking the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for travelling with us today & hope your trip was a pleasant one." She hears the little boy continue, "For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today." As the mother began to smile, the child added, "For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the fat bitch in the kitchen."


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March 4, 2014
March 20, 2014
March 22, 2014
Need to be with Hubby said:
My husband is similar to you Chickie, money isn't always there but when he comes down he wanna stay in a nice place because that is what he is use to in Canada and he didn't work his butt off to vacation in a shack. lmao yes i have a huge family and he has tuns of friends and they all look for something you know.
Never once when I came down did we stay in a hotel....I can't afford that, but I do wanna go and do things and see the island especially the first time I ever came because I never travelled much ever, the only place I had ever gone to was Florida so I wanted to see Jamaica for what it was lol I even told hubby I don't wanna go where tourists go....i am used to seeing white people....i wanna see jamaica for real ya know!


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March 4, 2014
March 20, 2014
March 22, 2014
canuck0468 said:
Good morning forum family and welcome to our newbies, do stick and stay. I was looking forward to congrats for some of you but KG seems to have gone silent, so itta go some times. When we go down now we stay with family and friends and like many of you we like to help them out. Not that they can't make it on thier own but we feel blessed and like to share with them. We know now that it will be expensive and plan accordingly, may mean 1 less trip down but we feel good when we come back up being able to help. We are putting our efforts into brining family and friends up, let them see and enjoy what we have up here.
Charlie, good to see you pop in, take care girl

A mother was working in the kitchen, listening to her five-year-old son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop & her son saying, "All of you *censored word*s who want off, get the hell off now, 'cause this is the last stop! And all of you *censored word*s who are getting on, get your ass in the train, cause we're going down the tracks."

The horrified mother went in & told her son, "We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room & stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out,you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language."

Two hours later, the son came out of the bedroom & resumed playing with his train. Soon the train stopped & the mother heard her son say, "All passengers who are disembarking the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for travelling with us today & hope your trip was a pleasant one." She hears the little boy continue, "For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today." As the mother began to smile, the child added, "For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the fat *censored word* in the kitchen."
lmao a good chuckle for the day thanks!


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March 4, 2014
March 20, 2014
March 22, 2014
SweetieQ said:
My husband is similar to you Chickie, money isn't always there but when he comes down he wanna stay in a nice place because that is what he is use to in Canada and he didn't work his butt off to vacation in a shack.

What does shack mean? You know what they say one man's shack is another man's palace. I guess it depends on what your perception of shack is. I grew up in rural Jamaica (Clarendon) we did not have running water still don't have it. We didn't have electricity, recently got it. We had a house built of wood..still there after 50 + years. My grandparents build it with their own hands. Some people call it a shack. My husband has visited and stayed there with me and we think that it is priceless. We must be greatful for what we have no matter how small. we must not use degrating words to describe someone home. It is not about luxury or what someone has. i know a lot of decent people who have come out of "shacks". Needless to say I have a peeve for that word. God blesses some with more and it is his expectation that if we have it we should give freely and share. To much that is given much is expected. This is one of the way that we get our blessings. When I travel around Jamaica and see some of the homes that people have beautiful or not they have such ride in it. You see them sweeping the ground as if it were marble. they are so proud and for the most part happy. In my husband's area there is a family that does not have alot of material things but the children are so happy. They are thankful fo waht they have. I brought down an extra suitcase with things that they might need. I am happy to do that i am not looking for thanks but because I am blessed I felt obligated to do so. When I hear the story of one of our memebr who is going to adopt the children because they lost their parents. i thank God for her heart and for her family that have stepped up to the plate to take care of those children. God Bless them. They will forever be in my prayers. There are really truly wonderful people around. When i see the children practically killing themselves to be educated..going to school without shoes barefoot, lunch money, book. Parents working long hours washing people's clothes, cleaning their homes to get money to support their family I pray for a financial blessing so that I could help even one of them. I am sorry if i am going off but some things words (shack) just get me going. Let us all be thankful that we are very blessed and pray for the blessings of others.

I hope no one is offended my this however this is my opinion.
no offense taken, we are all entitled to our opinions......the first time I came to JA, i could not believe that they didn't have "normal" bathrooms to shower in I complained oh how I complained, then a little light bulb went off over my head and I said to myself........quit complaining, you are with your hubby and that is the most important thing and truly that is what it is all about, so if I have to shower under a trickle of COLD water, then so be it....i just think of it like camping LMAO :) ps......truly don't like the little mosquitos down there thou nasty buggers! LOL


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Feb 20, 2013
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October 16 2012
Good day, lovely people haven't been on your a while got a question I wanna ask If I refuse this application What will you do. How best can I answer that question help anyone


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October 16 2012
chickie72 said:
no offense taken, we are all entitled to our opinions......the first time I came to JA, i could not believe that they didn't have "normal" bathrooms to shower in I complained oh how I complained, then a little light bulb went off over my head and I said to myself........quit complaining, you are with your hubby and that is the most important thing and truly that is what it is all about, so if I have to shower under a trickle of COLD water, then so be it....i just think of it like camping LMAO :) ps......truly don't like the little mosquitos down there thou nasty buggers! LOL
Hey chickie72 how are you


Champion Member
Nov 9, 2012
Miss-her-crazy said:
Good day, lovely people haven't been on your a while got a question I wanna ask If I refuse this application What will you do. How best can I answer that question help anyone

Answer. I would do whatever it might take to be with my spouse. I would leave canada and head to jamaica to be with my spouse that I truly love and want to spend the rest of my life with. It would hurt not to be able to have our life together in Canada where we could better educate ourselves and future children or children that we currently have.


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March 4, 2014
March 20, 2014
March 22, 2014
Miss-her-crazy said:
Hey chickie72 how are you

I am good my friend. How you doing?