HI Whittick, when did they start processing you application in Jamaica? How long did you have to wait for the interview?We are on the 19 just a day ahead of you
HI Whittick, when did they start processing you application in Jamaica? How long did you have to wait for the interview?We are on the 19 just a day ahead of you
HI Whittick, when did they start processing you application in Jamaica? How long did you have to wait for the interview?[/QUOTE
They started March 13,2017 ... I applied February 2017
Sure you can add meInteresting... they started processing ours March 1st 2017.... almost exactly 2 weeks before you, and my hubbys interview is almost exactly 2 weeks before yours.
Do you mind if I add your details to the KVO spreadsheet? Do you remember the following dates?
1. Application Sent
2. Application Rec'd by CIC (Feb 1?)
3. Stage 1 AOR Rec'd (Either letter, email or 1st line in ECAS)
4. SA Approval
5. Schedule A Sent with App (Yes or no)
6. Sched A Request
7. Sched A Sent
8. PCC Sent with App (Yes or No)
9. PCC Request
10. PCC Sent
11. Applicant Medical sent with App (Yes or NO)
12. Applicant medical request
13. Medicals Sent
14. Dependents Medicals send with App? (Yes or No)
15. Dependents Medicals Requested
16. Dependents Medicals Sent
17. Ecas Permanent Residence Application Status "In Process" (March 13)
18. Contacted for interview
19. Date interview scheduled for (Sept 19?)
Thanks!Sure you can add me
Application sent February 1,2017 Aor February 21,2017 Sa:March 3,2017 Ecas in process Match 3,2017 to present contacted by phone call from immigration Canada May 8,2017
No probs. Yes I found that out the same day .Requesting digital photos RPRF and passport copy by July 7.Thanks!Also- I just noticed today that my husband had some documents that were required to be uploaded in his CIC account by July 2nd. Have you had a chance to check yours?
We are days apartThanks!Also- I just noticed today that my husband had some documents that were required to be uploaded in his CIC account by July 2nd. Have you had a chance to check yours?
It's so weird all the way in September quite a waitWhats up with these far off interviews? Has me worried.
I agree, don't like the change either, much harder to navigateToday i saw an update in ECAS a 3rd line has been added." We have started processing your application 0n may 8 2017". Hopefully things will okay soon. Also i dont think i like the new change with this forum. Maybe im just resistant to change idk.
Congrats did they request any proof of relationship? Find it odd they didn't request that for my husband's interview . Now am confused as to what the interview is aboutHi everyone we got our inteview date this morning. It is scheduled for Sept 7, 2017. I am disappointed at the late date but we all know it's CIC and they do what's best for them and not us. Our son starts school in September 2017 and we were hoping to both see him off to school and pick him up on his first dayhe'll already be in attendance for 3 days by Sept 7. Yes a date allow us to plan but there are significant events in our lives requiring earlier reunification
No they only requestedCongrats did they request any proof of relationship? Find it odd they didn't request that for my husband's interview . Now am confused as to what the interview is about