I think the concerns here are very true...When you immigrate to another country, your qualification is nothing unless they will recognize it or there will be a recognizing body to do this.. such as Nursing, Doctors etc. I wouldn't really recommend immigrating without being registered first. Ive been there done that. I am just lucky that i am a nurse so having registration would for sure give me an assurance of a good job. My wife is an IT, but we don't expect her to get the job that she wants- it won't happen unless she study there-so that's an option. So, having said this-It will be a difficult life relocating to Canada IF you don't have REGISTRATION. I f you are a manager or supervisor, you will end-up as a factory worker or a chech-out operator-if your fine with this, then you don't have a problem. However, on the brighter side, being in Canada with a very good healthcare system, better education, better and safer environment, stable economy,lesser pollution,lesser corruption,etc...are good things. You need to choose then, a stable life with a good job in an unstable place OR in a place wherein you need to literally start from scratch, hurdle the hardships but giving a better life and future for your children in a safe and stable environment? it's up to you...
If i will give a timeline- it would be 5- 10 yrs before you will be stable in a foreign country..so expect this. If you have qualification that allows you to practice your profession there ( like nurses ) then, 3 yrs is enough. If you are really unlucky, you will need 10 yrs. If you are really UNFORTUNATE 10 yrs wouldn't be enough...what i will suggest is- IF YOU DON'T SEE ANY SUCCESS OR STABILITY IN THE NEXT 3 YRS AFTER YOU HAVE MIGRATED, YOU NEED TO HAVE QUALIFICATION THERE-STUDY! STUDY! STUDY! (they offer student loan without interest)- look at this, 3 yrs of unstability plus 3 yrs of study= 6 yrs..but after this, you will get a good job! (you don't need to wait for 10 yrs) You need to be wise! you hold your own future and success! its up to you mate.....its all about choice.
This is not to discourage anyone,its just a guide.Goodluck to all!