Hello Friends,
I am May 29th Applicant I ordered my first GCMS Notes and I am not sure why my application moved to second review. It says RCMP requested and I have already sent RCMP now I don't know what to do. Can anyone please help me with given below notes?
Eligibility: In Progress
Criminality: In Progress
Security: not started
INCOMING: 1 Created Date: 2015/03/02 UCI: XXXX Clients/Parties: PA Organization ID: Item: RCMP Criminal Record Check Comment(s): Documents received: RCMP Finger Print Due Date: 2015/03/02 Status: Received Via: Via Details: Received By: AA8470 Received Date: 2015/03/05 Replied By: Replied Date: Status Updated By: AA8470 Status Updated Date: 2015/03/05 Letter ID: Item For:
ATTACHMENTS: I eDoc #: 51575734 Name: 51575734 image2273.pdf Associated By: MS12270 Associated Date: 2015/03/02
INCOMING: 2 Created Date: 2015/01/14 18:02:02 Created By: MS5788 Updated Date: 2015/01/19 16:40:53 Updated By: DC6197 Create Office: CPC-Ottawa UCI: XXXXXX Clients/Parties: PA Organization ID: Item: RCMP Criminal Record Check Comment(s): PLease request RCMP fingerprints for PA Due Date: 2015/01/14 Status: Requested Via: Via Details: Received By: Received Date: Replied By: Replied Date: Status Updated By: DC6197 Status Updated Date: 2015/01/19 Letter ID: 1-5RMPHRK
APPLICATION: EXXXXXXX REGULATION: CEC-2013 I have analysed this application based upon the documents submitted by the applicant and the information contained in the file and make the following recommendation. ACTION ITEMS: ****GENERAL RESULTS: MEDICALS NOT STARTED FOR ALL APPLICANTS**** - Principal Applicant: ***"RCMP Screening: Fingerprints Required**** FOSSIGCMS check: - No adverse info. Principal applicant currently holds valid status in Canada. CIVIL STATUS: - PA never married - NO Spouse or Common-Law declared - PA Copy of passport on File: Yes. ADDITIONAL NOTES: PA is unable to provide Birth certificate at the moment. Statutory declaration provided is flagged on file. WORK EXPERIENCE: CEC qualifying period is: from 29MAY2011 to 28MAY2014 Dates of authorized work experience - within 'Qualifying Period' - in a skill level 0, A or B occupation: 29APRIL2012 TO 28APRIL2014 Category of work permit: LMO Post-secondary studies in Canada: None According to schedule 8: Work Experience 1: 01JUNE2012 TO 24APRIL2014, NOC: 2174 selected, Full time Application Developer with XYZ Company. Employment letter (s) dated 04DEC2013 confirm(s) date(s) of employment, position title and a salary of $xxK PER YEAR LOE/ Supporting Docs appear to match lead statement and a substantial number of the main duties under NOC code selected. A NOA from 2013 show(s) reported earnings of $xxK. A NOA from 2012 show(s) reported earnings of $xxK.
For that reason, I recommend the review of an officer. LANGUAGE: IELTS submitted- Applicant meets benchmarks for work experience at this skill level: A. CRIMINALITY: PA: - RCMP Screening: Fingerprints Required. - Police Certificates: - India: No reportable trace.Medicals: Medicals not started for all applicant's requested documents/Action: RCMP Finger prints required for:for PA. Additional Notes

lease request RCMP finger prints for spouse. Recommendation:Review required by Officer.