Hola Mexicano,El Mexicano said:Hi Chalin, I have the same question, how to verify if CEC Ottawa has received the Police Check from Mexico? So please, any help will be greatly appreciated.
To provide more context, I submitted all required paperwork to the Canadian Embassy in Mexico on March 30th and got no reply whatsoever. Also, my 60 day due date for delivering the Police Check to CEC Ottawa expired while waiting for Mexico. 1 week before it expired I sent an extension request to Ottawa (1 month ago) and again, no reply at all. At this point I do not know if the Mexican Police check has been completed/sent nor if I have been granted with an extension from Ottawa... HELP please!!!
I just call today to CIC, they told me that they won't send a confirmation email saying if they received the documents from the embassy of Canada on Mexico, but that they will send an email if by the due date for this document they havent recived it yet. Our case was a little different than yours because we DO received an email confirming than we had 60 more days to deliver this particular document.
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Llame y me dijeron que no mandaban decir si ya les habia llegado o no, pero que si no les llegaba para la fecha que si mandaban un correo avisando. A nosotros si nos llego un correo con la confirmacion de la extension... Yo que tu llamo par preguntar que ondas o mandaria otra carta