my felicitations to the ff receivers of:
my dear kababayan 67 points for receiving the much awaited VISA
avsneh, julesderick, can1122, vinpar, alaindotcom, may05, BIG O, zelda, shijoal, rchettiar, mitesh_canada, myeverest, and dpk1,
chekav, what_the_f, Explorer976, rahul78, lfe, norven, joydhaka, drclshah, sterilinjection
2011JULY20, ved2003, madhu yadav, bhandari, vinodkumar, fastrack, abhishekgoel1007, Your Highness, bloop, orchard, miteshkapadia, and erlyopter
Cashbox123, luisitomaz, vangelis21, irenesnts, sherine1972, ladhar25, positivepower, amazing.27, immubhai, zeshane, sidestep4u, dante0000,
congratulations forum mates
hi sansari,
mine has disappeared too. i inquired with my june 2010 contemporaries, some said to just ignore it, others say it means VO is doing something (more like attending) to ur papers and it is a sign of an impending news (more like a good news)
my friend,
i know how u feel

, the waiting is really the agonizing part (

sigh ???)... but i do really hope and pray that mr MR comes knocking to ur door soon and when that time comes, all in God's time, we shall celebrate it with such big bang
i'd like to share this true acct w/ u and everyone (w/ the hope that it'll help ease ur worry somehow) i have this friend who had her medicals done already and was receivd by manila vo last october 2011, i asked her yesterday what her status is and she replied that she was asked by manila vo to have her xray done again (this was last January 2012). all the while she thought she'd be receiving her PPR but instead it was a request from cem to have her xray re done... she said her application had always encountered some hiccups every time it's up for some progress. First, she was asked to submit dox regarding her pof... then, before her medicals there was some request again, now, after the medicals it was for another xray...
lastly, i just wish we'd finally pass these steps successfully, remember it is just the first step towards our dream, the reality awaits us in Canada...but like what most of them shared, the road maybe difficult, it may not be a walk in the park but once u have adjusted, established and settled, it is all worth it ;D
for now, let us enjoy the ride (geez how can we enjoy the waiting? how ironic ha?) here i am, supposed to be doing my report for school this Saturday and yet i have not written a single page

coz i keep thinking ??? nah, stop thinking okay? ha.ha. just play tetris ha.ha. kidding 8)
my dear ovais,
yes i was missing for so many days, been really busy, sickness, school, children and some extra curricular activities w/c require me to be away from my pc ;D although i read messges given the time but i didnt have the opportunity to join in the lively conversation

i was not able to read backpages too bec if i do i will have to go through abt 100 pages already hahaha

more or less o geez

anyways, thanks for missing me buddy 8)
i will have to leave again for now, to attend to my report :-X for my masterate. but of course i'll be back 8)