Dear all - pl note my comments :
A35/36/37 - Refers to section under Immigration and Refuge Protection Act
35 - Human or International Rights Violation
36 - Serious Criminality
37 - Criminality (max two offences)
**** AS PER GCMS - NO CONCERNS EVIDENT**** this refers to our Criminality check - which is PASS
Referring to hours worked - this stage refers to VO Stage (Verification - Second/final level of eligibility criteria)
If at any point under a CEC application , inconsistency exists on numbers of hours worked Verification will be advanced to stage of work call and reference letter requests etc. CHC may also look into ROE (RECORD OF EMPLOYMENT IF APPLICABLE) or service Canada Records..
To make this process easier - write up a cover letter with supporting Pay stubs and reference letter from employers worked and send it to chc as well alert employers of a possible VO Call
good luck
A35/36/37 - Refers to section under Immigration and Refuge Protection Act
35 - Human or International Rights Violation
36 - Serious Criminality
37 - Criminality (max two offences)
**** AS PER GCMS - NO CONCERNS EVIDENT**** this refers to our Criminality check - which is PASS
Referring to hours worked - this stage refers to VO Stage (Verification - Second/final level of eligibility criteria)
If at any point under a CEC application , inconsistency exists on numbers of hours worked Verification will be advanced to stage of work call and reference letter requests etc. CHC may also look into ROE (RECORD OF EMPLOYMENT IF APPLICABLE) or service Canada Records..
To make this process easier - write up a cover letter with supporting Pay stubs and reference letter from employers worked and send it to chc as well alert employers of a possible VO Call
good luck