@melylags @dks2500
I ended up calling CBSA yesterday after
@LostinSpace 's post and found out some information, confirmed twice by the representatives working there, basically confirming what I was told by the Queenstown Lewiston bridge years ago when my husband and I started toying with the idea of me being the one to move.
If you are coming from the states and "soft landing" for COPR you can go anytime any day to do that. You do not need to bring a list of your belongings. That is when you are officially "settling" and declaring it when crossing, such as crossing with a U-Haul truck or what have you and having 2 lists of your belongings; 1- present list - what you are bringing with you then, and 2- future list-what will be coming up at a different time, in order to not pay duty. You can still travel to Canada by car with COPR while waiting for the PR card and without "settling" during that time until you do officially settle.
When someone is already in Canada and "flagpoling" to get COPR that is when it becomes a certain day, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to get it done and they confirmed spots are limited. Also that is when a person must have the list of their belongings to follow them later if they do not have them with them when they "land."
Hope that is helpful to you and others.