Hi Raj,
In my case my Passport got expired last year July 11, 2016 and never renewed it as in never. So if ever I include an explanatory letter I probably gonna tell them that "I never had a plan to go out Canada that is why I never renewed my Passport". But I didn't include any letter. Also my husband and my friends told me nothing to worry.
My Passport info was:
July 11, 2011- got my passport back home
Dec 25, 2012- My arrival in Canada (port of entry Vancouver)
July 11, 2016- expires (never renewed till now)
Jan 2, 2017 -- applied for citizenship (used my expired passport)
Hi Jen,
I am in the same situation while i gather my document ahead of my application due to be submitted in few months.
My current passport issued in 2011 expired last year, and I have not renewed it, neither have i traveled since then. I have not traveled out of Canada since becoming a PR. Three questions here I need to be certain about please;
1. Do you think its advisable to include a letter of explanation?
2. Since my passport was issued in 2011 and expired in 2016, the bio page of that passport, ONLY should cover passport requirement or should i also provide the bio page of the passport before?
3. Applying for citizenship with an expired passport, should not be a concern and one should not expect to receive request for more details right?