CiC website says 17 months for outland spouse...

I called the CiC toll free # and on there, there was a recording saying if you applied after Dec 2014, your file is not yet being processed and that the estimate is 26 months!!!!
My timeline was:
Sent 12 Jan, Signed for by CiC on 15 Jan. 25 Feb I received approval to be sponsor and that his app was sent to NDVO. Got notice on 21 March that his application was at NDVO and that his "medical results were received". Nothing updated since. In fact, even though I received the letter saying I was approved to be a sponsor, my status for the sponsor app on the website still shows as in process!! But I received the approval in Feb, 4 months ago!
I have heard about some India applications being approved in 6-9 months for spouse PR. But I would think that something... anything new should be updated on the CiC website since 21 March??