jr4210 said:
Does the SA email normally mention the visa office they will be forwarding the application to?
Yes. It reads....
Dear Sir/Madam,
This refers to the Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class you submitted on behalf of
XXXXXXXXXX and family (if applicable).
You have met the requirements for eligibility as a sponsor. Accordingly, the Application for Permanent Residence for your relative has been forwarded to the visa office in Singapore for further processing.
This visa office was selected based on your relative’s country of nationality and the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Should you need to submit additional information or make any further enquiries regarding the
Application for Permanent Residence for your relative, you must email the visa office listed above directly using the “case-specific” enquiries form. This form is found in the “Enquiries” section of the
specific visa office’s link located on this page: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/apply-
If you received this communication via email, please note that another copy will not be mailed to you.
And a few more paragraphs with how to follow up.