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IRCC new portal - Unknown Error occurred.


Aug 15, 2023
I started to fill the application on Saturday (12/08/23). It was working till 12:00am. How ever, showing unknown error still while i'm trying to save and contine the application. Could you tel me the reason please? Thanks.


Jul 7, 2020
I am trying to upload document into IRCC portal and it does not recognize pdf's! Says "we don't accept this format". The size is ok. I used Chrome and Edge - not working. Any idea? Please help.


Aug 21, 2023
I am facing the same issue with filling out the application for the activity page. Can anyone help me to know what should I do?


Aug 22, 2023

Today I opened my account in the IRCC new portal. I can log-in to my account, but when I click Apply for a visitor visa I get following error message:

Unknown Error occurred.
We're sorry you ended up here. Try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work, you can:
  • Report a technical problem by completing the Web form on the Contact Us page of our website.
  • Make sure to include the error details listed below.
  • Return to sign in.

Anyone has any suggestion?

Thank you.
I am facing similar challenges. Any help?


Aug 24, 2023
I've noticed the following issues with an application I'm helping my friend abroad with.

1) On the step asking for post-secondary history if I enter more than one entry and click "save and continue" I get "Error: - Unknown Error occurred." and can not proceed. I run developer tools during the call I see the following error details "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)"

After digging into this error message more I noticed the following error response in browser Dev Tools:

"code": "400 BAD_REQUEST",
"errorCode": "20009",
"message": "AppValidationException",
"details": "AppPkgId=4620511,AppId=6288242,AppType=null,SubmissionSource=null,AppRefNum=null,GroupId=null,message=Validation of Application Failed",
"validation": {
"entity": null,
"class": null,
"details": [
"fieldName": "educationWorkHistory.educationHistory.educationDetails[2].toDate",
"validationMessage": "ErrorMessage.date_gap_in_history"

This is interesting as their site validation for school history does not allow gaps in post-secondary study. So either I only put one school or I put a dummy school entry with the gap dates. So my question is it better to omit one of the schools or put in a dummy school to cover the gap dates?

2) The second issue I now have is that once I enter all the information it takes me to the "Documents to support your application" page. If I go back to the "Summary of your information" page and then go back to a previous page using the "edit" button, when I make any change on any page after I click "Save and continue" I'm taken back to the "Documents to support your application" page with an "Error: - Unknown Error occurred." message. But if I go back to the "Summary of your information" page and check the change I made it was updated correctly.

After digging into this error message more I noticed the following error response in the browser Dev Tools:
"metaData": {
"validations": {
"invalidModules": [
"invalidModulesV2": [
"metaData": null,
"details": [
"fieldName": "doc-upload",
"validationMessage": "ErrorMessage.missing_required_documents"
"moduleId": "301.0",
"entity": "doc-upload"
"incompleteModules": []
"partyId": null,
"invitationCode": null

So it seems the site is asking for some documents after that step but I haven't finished uploading all the documents yet... Think they just need to do that validation after I finish uploading and moving on to the next page...

Anyways for those seeing any "Error: - Unknown Error occurred." I suggest you turn on "developer tools" when using the site and you may see why you are running into issues... Seems like the public is doing QA testing here though lol...
Aug 28, 2023
I've noticed the following issues with an application I'm helping my friend abroad with.

1) On the step asking for post-secondary history if I enter more than one entry and click "save and continue" I get "Error: - Unknown Error occurred." and can not proceed. I run developer tools during the call I see the following error details "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)"

After digging into this error message more I noticed the following error response in browser Dev Tools:

"code": "400 BAD_REQUEST",
"errorCode": "20009",
"message": "AppValidationException",
"details": "AppPkgId=4620511,AppId=6288242,AppType=null,SubmissionSource=null,AppRefNum=null,GroupId=null,message=Validation of Application Failed",
"validation": {
"entity": null,
"class": null,
"details": [
"fieldName": "educationWorkHistory.educationHistory.educationDetails[2].toDate",
"validationMessage": "ErrorMessage.date_gap_in_history"

This is interesting as their site validation for school history does not allow gaps in post-secondary study. So either I only put one school or I put a dummy school entry with the gap dates. So my question is it better to omit one of the schools or put in a dummy school to cover the gap dates?

2) The second issue I now have is that once I enter all the information it takes me to the "Documents to support your application" page. If I go back to the "Summary of your information" page and then go back to a previous page using the "edit" button, when I make any change on any page after I click "Save and continue" I'm taken back to the "Documents to support your application" page with an "Error: - Unknown Error occurred." message. But if I go back to the "Summary of your information" page and check the change I made it was updated correctly.

After digging into this error message more I noticed the following error response in the browser Dev Tools:
"metaData": {
"validations": {
"invalidModules": [
"invalidModulesV2": [
"metaData": null,
"details": [
"fieldName": "doc-upload",
"validationMessage": "ErrorMessage.missing_required_documents"
"moduleId": "301.0",
"entity": "doc-upload"
"incompleteModules": []
"partyId": null,
"invitationCode": null

So it seems the site is asking for some documents after that step but I haven't finished uploading all the documents yet... Think they just need to do that validation after I finish uploading and moving on to the next page...

Anyways for those seeing any "Error: - Unknown Error occurred." I suggest you turn on "developer tools" when using the site and you may see why you are running into issues... Seems like the public is doing QA testing here though lol...
Actually ridiculous. Seems like the "date_gap_in_history" will also trigger for the work experience part. Were you able to get around it with the dummy entry method?
Aug 28, 2023
Still facing this issue. Anybody found a way to resolve this yet?
look for huydnguyen's answer above. The system is not working and the workaround for now is to put a dummy entry in between each of your other entries.
e.g., If you have undergrad from 2018-2022 September, and ongoing masters since 2023 August, then the gap between 2022 September and 2023 August will need to be entered as a dummy entry for the system to not show "unknown error."

**Not legal advice, just looking at the developer console and error code information.