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International students

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Asivad Anac

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May 27, 2015
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Kumarp said:
I am even okay with people claiming pride over their achievements like education, career, family, friends, wealth etc, but seriously some are treating getting PR as a life time achievement.
Except that a successful PR decision is often the culmination of a journey which combines many little and big successes across all those areas.

One thing I don't agree with @RegularGuy is what you do for a living doesn't paint your success, success is what you perceive it to be, you may not consider menial jobs as success but for some it keeps their life going.
Probably some people perceive success in terms of getting a Canadian PR. And some others are probably doing it to 'keep their life going'.

Just saying.

Jaiveer Singh

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Aug 22, 2013
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RegularGuy said:
Why do people think that getting PR of Canada is the most important thing in their lives? Some take so much pride in it. I don't get it. Eventually 98% of people who come to Canada, whether as students or otherwise will get PR somehow. But don't demean others and take false pride in it. Most of people here work in service industry and do jobs they don't like and still brag about how they did the undoable and got PR. Go get a life.
Everyone has their own priority buddy. Some people come to Canada to settle their life and without PR there are not able to start their career very well because not having PR means your future is uncertain. Students spend huge amount of money so they think they can only recover by having PR and some people do not care, it all depends on person to person. Huge compromise in life and get PR gives you pride whereas spending huge money, do not care about parents income or just to gain foreign work experience will lead to no interest in PR so all depends buddy.

Jaiveer Singh

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Aug 22, 2013
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Kumarp said:
Give this man a cookie. Exactly my thought.

I am even okay with people claiming pride over their achievements like education, career, family, friends, wealth etc, but seriously some are treating getting PR as a life time achievement. Oh yeah and as if becoming a Canadian was their lifetime ambition (to be honest some here wouldn't even have thought about Canada until few months ago). I don't understand how one can leave a country you have lived for past 20 - 30 years and call a completely different land your "home" and what makes them think they are soooo Canadian (when they have not even spent a day here or in some cases when they have just moved here?

One thing I don't agree with @RegularGuy is what you do for a living doesn't paint your success, success is what you perceive it to be, you may not consider menial jobs as success but for some it keeps their life going. My dad always said: It doesn't matter which field you work in or what job you do, no job is bad job as long as you don't cheat (or kill) anyone. When I worked as a Janitor / Cashier at some store or some labour I took pride in what I did, and I loved doing that.

I know am going to get a backlash for my comments here, but I honestly don't care. I like this country too, am not against becoming a PR or Citizen of any country for that matter, that is totally up to an individual's own choice and I know for sure I will never give up my current citizenship because that describes who I am and that made me what I am today. But what I fail to understand is that how can someone take so much pride in something that is so trivial. Getting a PR is just like getting your birth certificate or passport, where you fill in forms, get some paper work done and wait for a loooong time to get the paper stamped. I know the waiting time sucks and it makes you feel relived and it definitely is a nerve wracking experience, but some people here make it feel like a life time achievement. You guys deserve an Oscar.
Yeah when you compromise everything in your life and live a total different life then it boost your confident and you feel proud that you can start your career your own and PR is a milestone to set up a career. Homeland is always there but living in different nation, culture and environment and watching you as a successful person make you feel better and proud. Rest all depends on thinking and seriously i dont know people have so much hatred for the people who are getting PR. I am not against you because its your individual thinking and i am no one to challenge it.

But i have seen you lot of time that you also wait for CIC response as others do why? Because at the end, you are looking for same yeah may be you will not be proud as you think differently


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Mar 21, 2016
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Kumarp said:
Oh yeah and as if becoming a Canadian was their lifetime ambition (to be honest some here wouldn't even have thought about Canada until few months ago). I don't understand how one can leave a country you have lived for past 20 - 30 years and call a completely different land your "home" and what makes them think they are soooo Canadian (when they have not even spent a day here or in some cases when they have just moved here?
Some of us have spent years and years and years making it happen. Some of us didn't qualify because of the lives we already led; we needed to work to earn the privilege of coming here.

I am not a citizen of the country I was born in. My parents moved me to a country I have no loyalty to. Canada is more home than anywhere else on the planet. I cherish it, do what I can to protect it, and want the government to do the same.

One thing I don't agree with @RegularGuy is what you do for a living doesn't paint your success
What you do for a living is often how you achieve your success. No matter how smart and capable you are, significant change comes through standing on the shoulders of giants and is implemented through other people.

success is what you perceive it to be
Not entirely. Some people have a goal to get really fat. They achieve it, and die of health conditions. By any rational measure, that's stupidity, not success.

To a great degree, we pick our own path. We choose what we wish to accomplish, but accomplishment is still necessary for success. If your goal is to lie around all day and do nothing, you may achieve it, but you will never be a success.

My dad always said: It doesn't matter which field you work in or what job you do, no job is bad job as long as you don't cheat (or kill) anyone. When I worked as a Janitor / Cashier at some store or some labour I took pride in what I did, and I loved doing that.
An honest job is nothing to be ashamed of, but wasting potential is.

But what I fail to understand is that how can someone take so much pride in something that is so trivial.
What I fail to understand is how someone can consider something so important to be trivial. To truly immigrate is a significant commitment, requiring a commitment of time, of energy. More importantly, it should be done as an act of fealty - loyalty to the State, in exchange for loyalty from the State.

If it's just a place to park some offshore money, or to take a few classes to file the paperwork so you can come back and use the welfare system later in life, yeah, it won't mean a bunch.

Getting a PR is just like getting your birth certificate or passport, where you fill in forms, get some paper work done and wait for a loooong time to get the paper stamped.
Passports are shall-issue (generally). They are ministerial, and don't really mean much. Earning PR, however, can make a lot of difference in how people perceive things. For those who don't have sufficient points, it can often require spending a bunch of money to come out as a visitor, and trying to hunt down a job that can get a LMIA. It can mean developing the skills necessary to be permitted to immigrate. It might require improving one's language skills, or getting more education.

When I landed, I finally felt safe for the first time in my adult life. I lived under an oppressive government, waiting for the hammer to fall. The police are corrupt, and I've had them threaten to kill me. My marriage was legally null, and I had no way of knowing what would happen to my spouse (or future kids) if anything happened to us. The courts are a joke; anything you have can be taken at any time. Medical expenses and legal expenses wiped out everything my parents managed to save in a lifetime.

Coming here before PR didn't have the same meaning. When we landed, this place became home, because home is where my real family is. It's where I'm safe, where I can count on the law being applied justly. Canada is a country where the criminal code is consistent, and the law is applied uniformly across the country. It's possible to save money without worrying about it being taken, and I don't have reason to fear the police anymore. That means a lot.

I was married in Canada because I legally couldn't get married where I lived. When my prior country of residence went "you're not worthy", Canada said "welcome".

Jaiveer Singh

Hero Member
Aug 22, 2013
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@Cytoplas +1 to you buddy i second to this. People spend their precious time in order to earn PR and some people here easily comment on individual emotion. Whats your problem if someone has pride if you dont take pride in this, its your call. I can only see level of hyprocracy in this group as how topic changed from how to earn points to why Pr is so imporant. I know people in this group are desperate to get PR and crying over other forums over not getting PPR.

Take a stand please


Hero Member
Mar 7, 2013
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RegularGuy said:
Why do people think that getting PR of Canada is the most important thing in their lives? Some take so much pride in it. I don't get it. Eventually 98% of people who come to Canada, whether as students or otherwise will get PR somehow. But don't demean others and take false pride in it. Most of people here work in service industry and do jobs they don't like and still brag about how they did the undoable and got PR. Go get a life.
Man... honestly.. i feel really sad reading your comment above... Just sad.. But it`s fine, just because you don`t understand doesn`t mean that you are ignorant. PR is really important for me and I will never take it for granted.. Please respect others and their hard work. They just share their story to encourage others for whatever it is worth. They are also constantly busy GETTING A LIFE here in Canada but still spare few minutes to share with others in this forum.

Jaiveer Singh

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Aug 22, 2013
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Hansdza said:
Man... honestly.. i feel really sad reading your comment above... Just sad.. But it`s fine, just because you don`t understand doesn`t mean that you are ignorant. PR is really important for me and I will never take it for granted.. Please respect others and their hard work. They just share their story to encourage others for whatever it is worth. They are also constantly busy GETTING A LIFE here in Canada but still spare few minutes to share with others in this forum.
I was not displeased or angry over Kumar comment but sad. I have written my story so people encourage and take steps, i do not care that they treated my comments so bad which results in removal. Only i know how i earn my PR and some people say i took shortcuts to earn it, that comment really not comfortable for me and yes if anyone will be here treating us like desperate then i am ready to show how desperate i was. No more good to people who have no emotions for others.


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Oct 5, 2015
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Kumarp said:
Getting a PR is just like getting your birth certificate or passport, where you fill in forms, get some paper work done and wait for a loooong time to get the paper stamped. I know the waiting time sucks and it makes you feel relived and it definitely is a nerve wracking experience, but some people here make it feel like a life time achievement. You guys deserve an Oscar.
You are imposing your life situation and perspective on other people. You don't know what difficulties other people are facing everyday. You don't know how *censored word* life is in a communist, impoverished, third world country where the best you can earn as a software dev or IT worker is $300/month, that said, you still have to kiss a lot of assess to get a promotion. It's a place that you don't get promoted or respected by your talents. They only care how much money do you have in your pocket, which car do you drive and which neighbourhood your house is located.

To be able to get out of that sh*thole and live in a free country, is a lifetime achievement for some people, and it's not always an easy journey. So to get out of the sh*thole, your family used up all their savings to send you to Canada. You came here with basic English skill, and even less money in your pocket. You studied during daytime and worked your ass off during night time to cover living expenses, as your family could only cover the tuition fee.

After 4 years of hard work, you are now able to graduate from a recognized university (not some community college) and get a professional job directly related to your field. You think, ok, I can now finally apply for the PR as people did before me because I have a degree and a job, but guess what? the government now cut and change the program. You now have to line up and wait for the score to drop down, since you are now in the pool with thousands people who have fake or very easy to get foreign work experience, while your PGWP is like a ticking bomb. It doesn't wait for you, everyday you don't secure an ITA, is a day closer you got kicked out of Canada and sent back to your sh*thole country where you will be drafted into the army to do mindless hard labour job for 2 years. And then what? return to 0 again?

So yeah, I think you also deserve an Oscar for being an excellent ignorant individual.

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" right?


Hero Member
Jun 12, 2015
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RamsayBolton said:
You are imposing your life situation and perspective on other people. You don't know what difficulties other people are facing everyday. You don't know how *censored word* life is in a communist, impoverished, third world country where the best you can earn as a software dev or IT worker is $300/month, that said, you still have to kiss a lot of assess to get a promotion. It's a place that you don't get promoted or respected by your talents. They only care how much money do you have in your pocket, which car do you drive and which neighbourhood your house is located.

To be able to get out of that sh*thole and live in a free country, is a lifetime achievement for some people, and it's not always an easy journey. So to get out of the sh*thole, your family used up all their savings to send you to Canada. You came here with basic English skill, and even less money in your pocket. You studied during daytime and worked your ass off during night time to cover living expenses, as your family could only cover the tuition fee.

After 4 years of hard work, you are now able to graduate from a recognized university (not some community college) and get a professional job directly related to your field. You think, ok, I can now finally apply for the PR as people did before me because I have a degree and a job, but guess what? the government now cut and change the program. You now have to line up and wait for the score to drop down, since you are now in the pool with thousands people who have fake or very easy to get foreign work experience, while your PGWP is like a ticking bomb. It doesn't wait for you, everyday you don't secure an ITA, is a day closer you got kicked out of Canada and sent back to your sh*thole country where you will be drafted into the army to do mindless hard labour job for 2 years. And then what? return to 0 again?

So yeah, I think you also deserve an Oscar for being an excellent ignorant individual.

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" right?

hey Ramsay any news about todays budget yet


Star Member
Jan 2, 2015
I will consider it an achievement when I get my PR, because that was my main reason for coming to Canada. Also to give my children things I didn't get myself as a child. Anyone who doesn't think PR is something should please ask CIC to transfer your points to me and give me the PR you would have gotten. If you are not proud to receive the Canadian citizenship, why are you even here trying to get it? sheesh! :mad:


Star Member
Jan 2, 2015
RamsayBolton said:
You are imposing your life situation and perspective on other people. You don't know what difficulties other people are facing everyday. You don't know how *censored word* life is in a communist, impoverished, third world country where the best you can earn as a software dev or IT worker is $300/month, that said, you still have to kiss a lot of assess to get a promotion. It's a place that you don't get promoted or respected by your talents. They only care how much money do you have in your pocket, which car do you drive and which neighbourhood your house is located.

To be able to get out of that sh*thole and live in a free country, is a lifetime achievement for some people, and it's not always an easy journey. So to get out of the sh*thole, your family used up all their savings to send you to Canada. You came here with basic English skill, and even less money in your pocket. You studied during daytime and worked your ass off during night time to cover living expenses, as your family could only cover the tuition fee.

After 4 years of hard work, you are now able to graduate from a recognized university (not some community college) and get a professional job directly related to your field. You think, ok, I can now finally apply for the PR as people did before me because I have a degree and a job, but guess what? the government now cut and change the program. You now have to line up and wait for the score to drop down, since you are now in the pool with thousands people who have fake or very easy to get foreign work experience, while your PGWP is like a ticking bomb. It doesn't wait for you, everyday you don't secure an ITA, is a day closer you got kicked out of Canada and sent back to your sh*thole country where you will be drafted into the army to do mindless hard labour job for 2 years. And then what? return to 0 again?

So yeah, I think you also deserve an Oscar for being an excellent ignorant individual.

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" right?

Thanks for your comment. As I am here my PGWP expired last week and I am only on implied status while I wait for my extension to come through and ONIP to acknowledge my application as well.
These people who consider it ridiculous that we desperately need this PR are seriously ignorant. Why are they even here?


Full Member
Jul 11, 2014
So, will the anticipated changes include the PhD students as well (e.g. rolling back the PhD stream under FSW)? any thoughts ?


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Dec 25, 2014
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Guys cool down. I don’t want to pick on each ones comment here and reply back to them. Like I already said success is what you perceive it to be. If for you getting a PPR is a lifetime achievement then go ahead and celebrate it, who the hell am I to stop you? I am also from the so called "third world" country that you guys are talking about, I have been through all the shit holes, but I’ve never blamed my country or fellow people for my problems. Every single time I see people blame the system, the government, the politicians, bosses, neighbours, and whatever or whoever else they could. There are millions of people living in the same country who have been through worser situation than you or me, but still love what they do and where they are. I cannot ask you to love the country you are in, but respect what you’ve got or respect what you’ve achieved there.

I get really upset when people say “oh people from those third world asian countries come here with fake papers to get PR / Citizenship”. For all you here who said this - they probably did that because they were in desperate need for help or they probably had a shittier life than what you or me have now and wanted to escape out of it at any cost. Who are you to judge????. I hate such people too, but such people exist everywhere not just in third world asian countries, yes even in Canada. My point is Canada is no exception, it is no heaven, it is equally racist, equally filled with such terrible people, system and corrupt politicians.

I understand that getting PR is beginning of a success story for many, well it is just the beginning don't celebrate it at the cost of shaming someone else.

Someone pointed out “why hatred towards people getting PPR” Seriously bro?No one here has hatred towards others getting PR, but the hatred builds when you blame someone else for your rejections / failures. Like a person in CEC / international students blaming FSW because they get PR based on fake papers and vice versa. I will be the first person to be whole heatedly feel happy for someone fulfilling their wishes.

I am awaiting my PPR as well, my job and life depends on me extending my stay here as well. I still come here wait patiently and when I read through the threads wish the other person whose work permit is about to expire or who desperately needs it, better get his PR before me, even if I felt I am more qualified than the other.

I understand every single person in this forum has gone through so many struggles and I cannot talk for everyone unless I was in their shoes, but remember so is everyone else. Each one of us have been through some hardship and you cannot demean their hardwork. I also understand becoming Canadian has been dream for some for several years, and honestly wish you become one.

Again success is what you perceive it to be - you can be happy with whatever you have now, carry this attitude with you. Happiness shouldn’t come from an external source, but from within inside. What if you never make it to Canada for some reason? Will you give up life? no right? you’ll carry on to do something else or find some other way, won’t you? Then isn’t it a trivial thing? What is more important is respecting people and living WITH them.

If you read my comments again, I wasn’t talking about everyone (I said some people). There are genuine cases where people have desperate situations back home and need to get out right away, for them I salute what you are going through and I will be the first person to buy you beer to celebrate your success reaching your new home. But, there are people, who are abusing the system just to get PR (won’t you all agree) and come here finding their way through every loop hole thats available and still blame others for their failures and celebrate their “success” of fooling the system, fooling the genuinely hard working and deserving people who make a commitment to start a new life.

Please guys, can we stop this here? I know I have said more than enough, but that is why these forums are there for. I have been through a lot of trouble as well, I was born to a loving family, worked hard and saved up to make my way to Canada, came here with my loving boyfriend, worked my ass off to stand where I am today, was raped by 3 men (in Canada by White Canadian men) 2 years ago, they called me names that you will not want to hear, they said this will be a lesson for you brown bitch to go back to your country and die in misery. I picked up the pieces of my life from whatever was left after the incident with support from my amazing boyfriend, we got married in next 2 months, and have been living an amazing life. To all those who think Canada is an “ideal” nation, I was forced by certain people in power not to share my story with media in this so called ideal country. No country is ideal, it may be better in some aspects, but no country can never be ideal. Ever heard of the saying "grass is greener on the other side of the fence?” Now I am not going to judge this beautiful country based on my single experience, I still find something positive about this country and keep myself from falling into misery, but I feel the same positivity wherever I go irrespective of which country I live, I don't blame the system or govt for my struggles.

Now why did I share my experience here? I want you all to understand - life is not about getting PR, becoming a citizen of some country they are just steps you take to keep yourself happy. It is about how many friends you have made, how many people have you made happy today. Not everyone is going to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Zuckerberg, you cannot frame your success only based on how much money you make or how big you’ve become. But I know I will be one happy woman with great friends and beautiful family. For me that is success. And I honestly wish each one of you gets the ability to separate life’s success from fame, money, position, status and what not. God bless us all. This will probably be my last post in this forum, I feel I am absorbing a lot of negativity here and do not wish to continue.

Good luck to each one of you.

Jaiveer Singh

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Aug 22, 2013
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Kumar in which world you are living buddy? Its democratic country please keep your narrow thinking mind with you if anyone wants to right let them share why you are so concerned? Simply ignore it and move on and yes what goes around comes around. You started this negativity and you are getting it back as simple as that

After reading your comment, i am confused because you did the same thing as others do "share your personal story". So lets end this up here and move forward.

Hey Kumar did you get your PPR or still waiting? :)


Hero Member
Jun 12, 2015
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Kumarp said:
Guys cool down. I don’t want to pick on each ones comment here and reply back to them. Like I already said success is what you perceive it to be. If for you getting a PPR is a lifetime achievement then go ahead and celebrate it, who the hell am I to stop you? I am also from the so called "third world" country that you guys are talking about, I have been through all the *censored word* holes, but I’ve never blamed my country or fellow people for my problems. Every single time I see people blame the system, the government, the politicians, bosses, neighbours, and whatever or whoever else they could. There are millions of people living in the same country who have been through worser situation than you or me, but still love what they do and where they are. I cannot ask you to love the country you are in, but respect what you’ve got or respect what you’ve achieved there.

I get really upset when people say “oh people from those third world asian countries come here with fake papers to get PR / Citizenship”. For all you here who said this - they probably did that because they were in desperate need for help or they probably had a *censored word* life than what you or me have now and wanted to escape out of it at any cost. Who are you to judge????. I hate such people too, but such people exist everywhere not just in third world asian countries, yes even in Canada. My point is Canada is no exception, it is no heaven, it is equally racist, equally filled with such terrible people, system and corrupt politicians.

I understand that getting PR is beginning of a success story for many, well it is just the beginning don't celebrate it at the cost of shaming someone else.

Someone pointed out “why hatred towards people getting PPR” Seriously bro?No one here has hatred towards others getting PR, but the hatred builds when you blame someone else for your rejections / failures. Like a person in CEC / international students blaming FSW because they get PR based on fake papers and vice versa. I will be the first person to be whole heatedly feel happy for someone fulfilling their wishes.

I am awaiting my PPR as well, my job and life depends on me extending my stay here as well. I still come here wait patiently and when I read through the threads wish the other person whose work permit is about to expire or who desperately needs it, better get his PR before me, even if I felt I am more qualified than the other.

I understand every single person in this forum has gone through so many struggles and I cannot talk for everyone unless I was in their shoes, but remember so is everyone else. Each one of us have been through some hardship and you cannot demean their hardwork. I also understand becoming Canadian has been dream for some for several years, and honestly wish you become one.

Again success is what you perceive it to be - you can be happy with whatever you have now, carry this attitude with you. Happiness shouldn’t come from an external source, but from within inside. What if you never make it to Canada for some reason? Will you give up life? no right? you’ll carry on to do something else or find some other way, won’t you? Then isn’t it a trivial thing? What is more important is respecting people and living WITH them.

If you read my comments again, I wasn’t talking about everyone (I said some people). There are genuine cases where people have desperate situations back home and need to get out right away, for them I salute what you are going through and I will be the first person to buy you beer to celebrate your success reaching your new home. But, there are people, who are abusing the system just to get PR (won’t you all agree) and come here finding their way through every loop hole thats available and still blame others for their failures and celebrate their “success” of fooling the system, fooling the genuinely hard working and deserving people who make a commitment to start a new life.

Please guys, can we stop this here? I know I have said more than enough, but that is why these forums are there for. I have been through a lot of trouble as well, I was born to a loving family, worked hard and saved up to make my way to Canada, came here with my loving boyfriend, worked my ass off to stand where I am today, was raped by 3 men (in Canada by White Canadian men) 2 years ago, they called me names that you will not want to hear, they said this will be a lesson for you brown *censored word* to go back to your country and die in misery. I picked up the pieces of my life from whatever was left after the incident with support from my amazing boyfriend, we got married in next 2 months, and have been living an amazing life. To all those who think Canada is an “ideal” nation, I was forced by certain people in power not to share my story with media in this so called ideal country. No country is ideal, it may be better in some aspects, but no country can never be ideal. Ever heard of the saying "grass is greener on the other side of the fence?” Now I am not going to judge this beautiful country based on my single experience, I still find something positive about this country and keep myself from falling into misery, but I feel the same positivity wherever I go irrespective of which country I live, I don't blame the system or govt for my struggles.

Now why did I share my experience here? I want you all to understand - life is not about getting PR, becoming a citizen of some country they are just steps you take to keep yourself happy. It is about how many friends you have made, how many people have you made happy today. Not everyone is going to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Zuckerberg, you cannot frame your success only based on how much money you make or how big you’ve become. But I know I will be one happy woman with great friends and beautiful family. For me that is success. And I honestly wish each one of you gets the ability to separate life’s success from fame, money, position, status and what not. God bless us all. This will probably be my last post in this forum, I feel I am absorbing a lot of negativity here and do not wish to continue.

Good luck to each one of you.

The only thing i want to say you is that " INDIA IS THE FATHER OF THIS WORLD " Who gave enlightment to Humanity on this planet.
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