yes, we been dating for around 2 years before marriage. but we didnt live together during that time. we been living together this year because we gonna get married. my name is not on the house lease tho, because my husband owns the we only have joint power bill, phone bill and various letters that have same address.floomy said:My husband and I did not file tax together and did not have joint account , no rental /lease contract both name on it etc.
only proof of our marriage and relationship was photos, marriage certificate and flight tickets etc.
just wonder how long you guys have been dating before got married or how long you guys has been together?
we do have all the pictures that we took when we went travelling abroad, to different countries, hotels and everything. we also have pictures taking with our friends and family, but not too many. we also have a joint bank account, but only one account. my husband also has another bank account which has more wondering if i should put my name on that account...
we have a pet and its our baby, but too bad, no way to show that the pet is owned jointly..
i think that's everything we have ...that's why i dont feel very confident because i feel that they are not enough