Hello All,
I have not been here for a while, but I see many ppl have questions about implied status.
I would share my story hope it helps some!
I arrived on Feb 1. 2015 to Canada, I was on visitor visa till April 27. On March 31st we submitted the inland sponsorship along with the OWP.
Technically the OWP application should have provided implied status, but I am not much of a gambler and I prepare for the worst case scenario as well (what if my OWP will be refused)
So 30 days prior my visitor visa expired I applied for a visitor visa extension as well. (As I said technically the OWP implied status would be enough, but I am a safe player)
So for my status to stay within Canada at this time I had two application with CIC: one for the OWP thru sponsorship and one separate for the visitor visa extension.
Sure enough my OWP has arrived, so the visitor visa extension became obsolete.
this is the reason why I am sharing my story here BECAUSE since the visitor extension was not needed anymore I called CIC to withdraw my application.
The agent on the phone ensured it is withdrawn.I have to note here that the application processing has not even started yet.
I asked them whether I could get a refund since they have not even started processing the visitor extension. the agent said most definitely they will make a note on the withdrawal.
Next thing I know couple of months later (end of October) I received a cheque from CIC with the refund amount.
Moral of the story ( for me

) better to be safe than sorry. I did not want to gamble to become out of status in case at the end of my implied status the answer is negative and I do not get OWP.
I understand if ppl argue with this method and say the implied status is enough for them, I just wanted to share what worked for me.