We were supposed to be there at 8.15am, which sucked cuz we dont live in Montreal... we live in Prevost, which is at least one hour without traffic... and early in the morning.. TRAFFIC IS HELL!
We left home around 6.30am to be on time, but in the road i got too nervous and had to stop three times to throw up.. (at a certain point, hubby wanted to call and tell them to cancel!) anyway. We got there at around 8am... and finding a parking is awful... street parking starts only at 9am.. so we decide to risk it, park the car and pay at 9am by an app! We got in.. and since in my letter said "SERVICE CANADA" ... i ask for it and we went to a big office with a big Service Canada tittle... but it was close (although, people was in line) so i put myself in the line and waited... it was 8.40 and i start freaking out... so i check the DOOR NUMBER... I was supposed to go to "room 036" and i was in "room 034"...! I couldnt find the 036 and i felt so stupid!!! finally, 036 was a little door a bit hidden on the said of Service Canada... I risk it and knocked.. (i was 30min late by then!) a nice lady open, asked me if i had an interview, and I said "yes sorry, im late", she answered "i saw you doing the line, it is a common mistake, come in" I did, and they were at least 30 people in the room, an agent was talking about being a PR but I only catched the end of it

After that they called us 1 by 1, to talk to an immigration agent. Mine was a nice lady that i had been having contact with by email (about my family name change) anyway, she was super nice, ask us the 3 questions pretty fast, but we talk about other things, weather and stuff, like in a coffee house XD .. she make me sign, asked me for the other documents, and then told me "congrats on becoming a PR" ... then she guide us to a SERVICE CANADA agent in order to get my SIN number... this agent was also super nice...! it took a few minutes of chatting and then i got it!

by 9.45am we were out of there with all papers in hand! Actually a really nice and easy experience... everyone was really nice nice
So, if any questions.. LET ME KNOW!
They said my pr card will arrive in 2 months maximun.. (yeah.. sure!)... and I DONT HAVE THE CONDITION 51, as i expected!
So, GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS to all of you fellow applicants! your time will also come soon!