Oh @ HARMIN so sorry you had a bad experience. Well.. i really dont know how long you had been waiting. but i waited 11 months from my application to my aip... so yeah.. i understand your stress...I was one of the ones caught in the inmigration strike.
I called several times CIC cause I was desperate and no one was giving me answers. Some agents are rude.. REALLY RUDE! and of course, no way to complain...! But... if you keep trying you'll get someone helpfull and nice

It has happened to me.
If you are calling for FIRST STAGE, maybe if you are not an anglophone or francophone, its better that your SPONSOR calls... before getting AIP, it was my hubby who use to call, SAD AS IT SOUNDS it seems like some agents are nicer to citizens and PR's.. not to applicants.
But like i said, i have caught a few that were extremely nice!

So.. you just have to proof them that you are strong and you will not bail so easily..
Good luck and God bless