Korito you are good luck my friend. I just checked the email and just got the DM letter at 10:53AM. We just had a jump up and down party for the last 10 minutes at work. Our boss walked in on us laughing and thought there was a pow wow. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!Karito said:Omg omg!! I got it just like 15 min ago I got the email finally!! I'm sooo happy want to cry or laugh or both!!! And I'm a work can't hug my lovey yet and celebrate!! DM has been issues Vancouver office will contact me, same email letter like somebody posted here I believe 2 days ago.
Meow meow, wolanila and somebody else almost timeline like mine you guys are next or prob today too, check your email.
Will keep posting !!