Thanks! :-*
I'm feeling extra whiny these last couple of weeks. I sort of feel like I get the worst of inland (takes longer for American inland applicants than outland, and can't visit family and friends) and outland (came to be with my husband, but he's military, and on the one-year anniversary of our arrival in Québec, he will have spent fully half of that time living away from me on course in Ontario or Alberta). I'm bored and whiny and alone and my (very part-time) French classes only run Sept-Dec and Feb-May, so I have NOTHING going on. Gives me too much time to think about this immigration stuff.
Okay, I swear, I'm done whining. For now! ;D I try to remind myself that we have a good life, that even if it takes him away from home a lot, he has a good, stable job that let us make the decision to marry and move together. There are a lot of people who have it way worse than I do, and I need to remember to be grateful that we've got it so good.