Woooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Faith and love did prevail!!!!
AIP : Jan 11 2011
We went to our local office this morning armed with everything from movie stups, hotel reciepts from trips, hundreds of pictures, our family scrap book, stacks of birthday, and holiday cards and a 2 inch think print out of our facebook acoounts dating back 3 years.
We took a number and sat waiting patiently...we were 30 minutes early. We sat joking around with each other in the waiting room and holding hands. We decided last night that we were ready for anything.
We were asked to go into a small room where the officer sat across from us. He explained what was ging on and sad that most people who are called in assume it is because of some major screw up with their file or something has gone terribly wrong. He said that is not the case. He could not see anything that would cause them for alarm and therefor had no specific topic they wished to focus on.
the gentlman asked my husband to step out for a few minutes, He explained to me what my responsibilities were as a sponsor and asked me if i understood. I told him I take my responsibility as a sponsor very seriously and am very comfortable with the decision I have made.
He asked me some questions, My name, my husbands name, our birthdates, our childrens names, how long we have lived together, how we met, do we have pets, how much our living expenses are and who does the grocery shopping. I traded places with my husband and waitied for him in the waiting room.
Our officer was great! He was so very easy to talk to, in fact I enjoyed telling him amusing storys abouthow we went to the CN tower and he spent the whole time worrying about how he was going to get down, and how we took my son to Ontario place and African Lion Safari and how much fun we had. At one point I thanked him for being so easy to talk to and told him he can ask me to stop talking any time LOL
The end of the meeting ended in the 3 of us together again in the small room where he said he saw nothing that caused him any concern, he would finish processing our AIP today, they would send a email to Jamaica to do what is needed to get my step son here with us and we can go ahead and apply for a work permit. Yayyyy!
The only thing that is needed now to land is the paperwork for our son in jamaica to be finalised.
We are so very happy!!!!
We were deeply touched today as our family from all around the world, called or emailed to show their support and congratulations.
Going to bed early tonight as we 3 are all full from our celebretory dinner and none of us slept much last nigh in anticipation.
Best of luck to all of you who are waiting and a special thank you to all our forum family for helping us through this rough patch in our journey. XXXXXXXXXX :-*