Hi everyone, it's been a few day since my last post, I have been really busy lately. My dad is the hospital for his second surgery in 1 week. He had to get part of a lower disc removed because it was sitting on his sciatic nerver, he went home and the rest of teh disc that was remaining dropped down on the sciatic nerve again, so he went back in yesterday to have his second surgery! he is going to be alright though. Easter was on the weekend and I celebrated and enjoyed time with my family. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter for those who celebrate it.
I took my spouse to his health card yesterday. We have a three month period from the date on the AIP letter. I thought the wait started the date you applied for the health card, but they use the AIP date. We went today to get the SIN card and he has started applying for jobs. Let's hope he get's something soon.
We have to get his police certificates which is turning out to be time consuming. We had to go to the bank get the bank draft, go get passport photos done and endorsed by someone. Then we have to send it to the UK and wait for it to come back and then send it to CIC, eeekkk but it's done. I feel like have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. It's nice to sit and relax.
I hope everyone is well. CIC has started into July, that's exciting. I know the website says June 29th, but don't be discouraged, you know they work ahead. Can' twait to hear good news this week